Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 Derek_Martinez Derek Martinez
>Noah_Walton: ADIOORR 8H AROID +16 16
>Derek_Martinez: WY I7 W.Y +17 17
>Noah_Walton: ?KLOPRR 9G PR. +13 29
#note Don't know why I played this. KOR or PORK is good here.
>Derek_Martinez: EW 10F WE +17 34
>Noah_Walton: ?DKLLOR 11E DORK +28 57
#note Missing the bingos ROaDK(I)LL and LORDL(I)Ke.
>Derek_Martinez: ABEGINS L5 BEA.INGS +74 108
>Noah_Walton: ?AILLRT 6D LIToRAL +70 127
#note TRILo(B)AL is cool.
>Derek_Martinez: AFMO 5B FOAM +28 136
>Noah_Walton: ACDIRUU 4D DARIC +35 162
#note Another not-so-great play, missing (K)AURI.
>Derek_Martinez: ?AAMNST M1 bANTAMS +79 215
#note Nice fit! There is one better bingo here, though. Can you find it?
>Noah_Walton: FHNOTUU H11 .NOUT +30 192
>Derek_Martinez: EEZ 12D ZEE +33 248
>Noah_Walton: EFHLOQU H1 FLO. +27 219
#note Should have just played QUOL(L), I think. The Q gives me many problems throughout the rest of the game.
>Derek_Martinez: AELY B2 LEA.Y +38 286
>Noah_Walton: EHIJQSU 10J JI. +26 245
#note Strongly considered H(A)J, but I have no balls. H(A)J is more of a gamble, and if I don't gamble on this board, I'm quickly dead.
>Derek_Martinez: AEH 13C HAE +27 313
>Noah_Walton: EHIOQSU C2 OH +22 267
#note I missed HO(W) 7G.
>Derek_Martinez: UV 2H .UV +14 327
>Noah_Walton: EEIQSUU 15D QUIE. +24 291
#note Ugh. I hated playing this so much. It closes the board a lot and burns the Q for meager points. I thought of (J)EU, but didn't like it. What I didn't think of was (EM)EU, which opens up a scoring spot and gives me decent chances with EISQTU.
>Derek_Martinez: OPT A6 OPT +20 347
>Noah_Walton: DEEESUX I12 EX +36 327
#note Yet again, I stupidly don't take a chance. EX N1 sets up a huge spot for next turn, and it would have worked out very well, too!
>Derek_Martinez: BCIIOST B10 BIOTIC +39 386
#note (His actual rack)
>Noah_Walton: DEEENSU 2L E.U +6 333
#note Quackle's Championship player likes (S)EE, (S)UE, etc. These can't be right because my opponent can easily block them off. But I feel like there's something better than this. Anybody? I think this move is pretty hopeless.
>Derek_Martinez: EINNRST O1 ESTRIN +25 411
>Derek_Martinez: EINNRST -- -25 386
#note If I had drawn a bingo, this would be the best case scenario. I knew he had this because otherwise, RESTING/STINGER plays.
>Noah_Walton: DEEGNSV 13G V.. +17 350
#note This is best according to an inferred rack with many-ply sim.
>Derek_Martinez: EINNRST N6 ESTRIN +20 406
#note SERIN 7C is best.
>Noah_Walton: DEEGGNS O11 EGGED +32 382
>Derek_Martinez: N I2 .N +6 412
#note Cool outplay here.
>Derek_Martinez: (NS) +4 416
Player 2
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