Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chloe Chloe
#player2 John_Karris John Karris
>Chloe: AEIKTUW H5 WAUK +22 22
>John_Karris: FNUY 8E FUN.Y +15 15
>Chloe: EIILTTV 5E VIE. +20 42
#note 6F VIA is simming a bit ahead, scores 6 less but keeps the E, also limits his scoring some.
>John_Karris: ADEX E8 .AXED +32 47
>Chloe: AEEILTT D9 LATE +27 69
#note F8 (U)TILE is nice, missed it. Doesn't allow nearly as high scoring overlaps as any of the plays on the other side of FAXED, and keeping the A is better than the I, I think.
>John_Karris: AMRW C10 WARM +38 85
>Chloe: AEHIITT I6 TH. +24 93
#note I didn't love B11 plays like HIE or TIE because of the scores they could give back at A12, but the leave of THY is really bad, so one of those two should be the play.
>John_Karris: GIN 10C ...ING +19 104
>Chloe: AEIIIOT -AIIIO +0 93
#note maybe keeping AT or AET instead, lots of Es out
>John_Karris: DEOOZ 11G OOZED +35 139
>Chloe: BBERSTY H10 ..BBET +42 135
>John_Karris: DIJR J10 J.RID +33 172
>Chloe: IINORSY 10J .OY +16 151
#note Didn't know ROSINY, that at 14A is def the play.
>John_Karris: CITU 14D CUTI. +9 181
>Chloe: FIIMNRS 6F FR.. +30 181
#note Fuck INFIRMS is good, I talked myself out of it, forgot it was a verb
>John_Karris: EGGINR L4 GINGER. +26 207
>Chloe: IIMNPRS B11 RIMP +31 212
#note this is not a word. If I don't phony I should play IMP or SIMP probably, or maybe K4 MI
>John_Karris: ACNRS A8 NARCS +38 245
>Chloe: EHIILNS K5 HI +22 234
>John_Karris: EOV B6 VOE +16 261
>Chloe: EEILNPS 15J SPLINE +41 275
#note Wow what, SPLEEN is simming about 5 points higher. I guess there's 1 I out vs 3 Es, but apparently keeping the I raises my avg next turn by 6 points! And SPLEEN also lowers his scoring a bit. crazy
>John_Karris: ILN 14M LIN +14 275
>Chloe: EOQSTTU N11 QUO.. +14 289
#note Large error, really no need to play the Q here, as usual I was too scared of it. A sim likes M3 TOT, I think that's a bit scary with the blanks out. Especially after LIN, I don't think he'd play two consonants if he had a vowel heavy rack, so gotta assume he has a balanced rack at the very least. I'd probably do K13 TO(P) in a do-over, only 4 less than QUOIN, doesn't give anything back, keeps EQSTU.
>John_Karris: AELO M2 ALOE +17 292
>Chloe: AEEOSTT N2 TOAST +31 320
#note Quck says 12H (B)A(R)E wins 62.5%. Looks like that wins with D or S draw, and he only has one tie if I draw the blank-- N3 OASEs, not an easy find. After TOAST I win with a D, S, or ? draw, unless he finds 2G ADEnOm(AT)A when I draw the S. So I think my play was better than what champ says, which is that it wins 37.5%. maybe there is something to be said for blocking BARDS with BARE and complicating things a bit for him, though with two blanks it'll often be easy enough for him to score enough, and TOAST blocks any easy to find bingoes, only allowing 9s through the AT.
>John_Karris: ??AADOS 12H .A.DS +32 324
#note 2G ADvOcA(AT)S is pretty cool
>Chloe: EEE 6B .EE +6 326
#note -2 to 9L (R)EE
>John_Karris: ??AO O6 AutO +8 332
>John_Karris: (E) +2 334