Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chloe Chloe
#player2 Tom_Bond Tom Bond
>Chloe: ABGILNX H3 AXLING +44 44
>Chloe: ABGILNX -- -44 0
#note So dumb, thought of AXLED and played this pretty quickly but it looks so bad. Just AXING looks good, or maybe BALING
>Tom_Bond: AVW 8G VAW +18 18
>Chloe: ABGILNX 7H BALING +22 22
#note didn't even consider just dropping the X with H8 (A)X, bingoes about 42% which should be worth it, though they probably often get blocked
>Tom_Bond: AEHMOUV -OUVHM +0 18
>Chloe: ILMNTWX L5 MI.X +21 43
#note hmm not very good, K5 TW(I)N or I6 W(AW)L look better.
>Tom_Bond: IORT 6F RIOT +17 35
>Chloe: EGLNTWY M1 WETLY +29 72
#note underestimated how much scoring this allowed, K2 WYTE only scores 1 less but lowers his average by 8
>Tom_Bond: EY 1M .YE +27 62
>Chloe: ?GJNNST -GJN +0 72
#note interesting, better to burn the blank with 2L J(E)oN, scoring 30 and still bingoes about a quarter of the time next turn. of the exchanges I could do better, keeping GNS? looks best, maybe because of GRIOT
>Tom_Bond: AAAEEMU -AAEU +0 62
>Chloe: ??ANOST E5 AgONiST +74 146
>Tom_Bond: AEGRR 2J AGR.ER +30 92
#note This is phony, I held for a while but couldn't pull the trigger. Just REGEAR
>Chloe: AANNORS 1H NONA +17 163
>Tom_Bond: ACO N4 OCA +19 111
>Chloe: AEEIPRS O6 APE +17 180
#note Somehow convinced myself APERIES wasn't a word, I really am terrible
>Tom_Bond: DEMO 8A DEMO. +27 138
>Chloe: EILNRSZ 10B ZIN. +33 213
>Tom_Bond: FI M7 .IF +20 158
>Chloe: BDEGLRS 3G BERG +15 228
#note no need to keep the S, 12A BERGS for 13 more is def better, or D2 GELD also looks good. BRS is better than DLS apparently.
>Tom_Bond: HNO 4F NOH +23 181
>Chloe: DLPQRST 6K Q. +22 250
>Tom_Bond: ITU 10M TUI +13 194
>Chloe: DELPRST 7B REP. +18 268
#note missed PTUI, would've played PLED there if I'd seen it, that's a lot better. REPO is not a good play.
>Tom_Bond: CDEIILO 11E .IU +3 197
>Tom_Bond: CDEIILO -- -3 194
#note transposed
>Chloe: DEFLLST D1 DELFT +24 292
>Tom_Bond: IU 11E .UI +3 197
>Chloe: CEILOST 11I CEILS +23 315
#note just blocking given his fishing
>Tom_Bond: EU L11 .EU +6 203
>Chloe: DEHKOST 13K K.DO +18 333
#note probably too scared now, fine to take points with 2B DOETH
>Tom_Bond: ADER 14L DARE +22 225
>Chloe: EHOSSTU 15L SHES +47 380
#note best sequence is 3B TO(L)U, blocking JIVE, then SHES. this is -29!
>Tom_Bond: AIJV 2A JIV. +28 253
>Chloe: OTU 5A OUT.. +5 385
#note B4 OUT(RE) -2
>Chloe: (A) +2 387