Player 1 |
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#player1 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Jared_Cappel: DHIQRRT 8H THIRD +22 22
#note Definitely got this one wrong. I was scared of 5 consonants but QI is better. Gives so little back too which is nice and wouldn't have allowed his bingos.
>Morris_Greenberg: EEMOOPR 7I EMO +18 18
#note I didn't remember PODOMERE, and miss PROTEOME here. I considered a lot of plays here, POEM in a few places, EMO and OPE 7I, and ultimately thought this gave me the most leverage of the bunch to control the next few turns.
>Jared_Cappel: IQ 9G QI +23 45
#note Didn't write down my rack here, but I exchanged next turn so it wasn't pretty. Compounded problem from play 1.
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEOOPR 6H OPA +22 40
#note I considered BOO 9K as well here.
>Jared_Cappel: JLOORVV -IIIIII +0 45
#note I kept just R which sims best ahead of LR.
>Morris_Greenberg: BBEORSU 9K BOB +18 58
>Jared_Cappel: ?CENRTZ 10L REZ +40 85
>Morris_Greenberg: EGLRSUY 11I UGLY +24 82
#note Was choosing between this UGLY and the 5E placement, I thought it was better to keep 2 bingo lines open instead of 1 here. I missed the spot for GLUEY 11I, UGLY and GLUEY 11I are pretty even as the best options per Quackle.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CIINTV 10F VIN +28 113
>Morris_Greenberg: AEKRSTU 5J KRAUT +28 110
#note Quackle likes this and KUE in the same spot best. I didn't consider KUE during the game
>Jared_Cappel: ?CFIJST O5 SIFT +31 144
#note Didn't see JIFFS. If not JIFFS, my play is neck and neck with L4 TAJ. After Morris opening this S hook, this seems better than TAJ. If I specify he has an S,SIFT sims 2nd best after JIFFS.
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEELSS N5 .AE +14 124
#note I considered ZEALS as well, but thought that the counterplay ZEALS allows for and the worse leave after ZEALS doesn't make up for the 14 extra points. Quackle agrees.
>Jared_Cappel: ?CCEJSW L4 J.W +26 170
>Morris_Greenberg: AAEILSS 12C ALIASES +68 192
>Jared_Cappel: ?CCDENS C11 C.D +12 182
#note I saw SCONCED, the only bingo, but I know a SCONCE is a wall adornment so it didn't make sense to take the D. Later in the game, I started to think SCONCED was good and kicked myself for not playing it. I thought it meant the same as ENSOCNCED but apparently it means to subect a fine. Morris was confident in SCONCED after the game. This miss proves very costly, for tempo reasons.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AEILTT 13H TErTIAL +70 262
#note Surprisingly the only bingo word that plays this turn (though in 3 different spots).
>Jared_Cappel: ?CENORS 14A COiNERS +76 258
#note CRETONS/CREPONS score one more.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEHNORX 15G HEX +44 306
#note It's weird, I feel like I thought of the word EXARCH during this turn if there's an open C, but didn't register that it was playable. I also completely missed HOAX and HOAXER here. All 3 plays are better.
>Jared_Cappel: AEIINUV A12 VI.E +39 297
>Morris_Greenberg: ADFMNOR 14L FRO +23 329
#note I thought this was a clever way to maximize the score of the M often. Quackle likes dropping the A here to make AFRO even more, I didn't seriously consider it because I wanted to keep a vowel.
>Jared_Cappel: AIINNUY 5E AYIN +16 313
#note Quackle much prefers YUAN, leaving IIN instead of INU. There are no I's in the pool so no risk of triplicating. I hoped to draw an L for LAYIN but Morris is going to muck things up regardless. The other options quackle suggests are fishing off AI at the bottom of the board. But if he plays DOPA/DO or something, the board is spent.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADDEMNU 4D DAM +21 350
#note I think Quackle sim misplays this position often, it likes DUNAM 4B the most which feels off here. However, DUNAM 4C is maybe better here than DAM, while not quite as definitive in blocky-ness, it is still very defensive, scores a bit more, and further declutters. Fwiw also, I was ready to play ADENDUM* prior to AYIN, confusing ADDENDUM and AGENDUM. Lucky that Jared blocked the spot.
>Jared_Cappel: EINOPUW O14 WO +25 338
>Morris_Greenberg: ADEGNOU H2 GUA.. +7 357
#note This turn is extremely hard to process and I have under 2 minutes. I considered (L)O(N)G D12 to set up A(LONG) plays, but figured GI or PI 11E would render that useless. I also considered D(I)N(E) E11 to set up A(L)O(N)G the following turn and block, but keeping AEGOU makes it really tough for me if Jared does open the board to go for bingoes. A(I)D(E) is the improved version we brainstormed after the game (not E(I)D(E) because it would allow for UNREE(L)I(N)G and TUNNE(L)I(N)G at a minimum), it gives back nothing, blocks the main scoring spot on the board given the unseen pool, to the point where leading by 22 points is a very nice cushion, and gives enough rack flexibility that if Jared tries opening, I can block. The quackle sim even estimates Jared's average score next turn after AIDE to only be 11.58 points, with a standard deviation of under 5! My logic here was that if Jared doesn't bingo, it is an annoying area to block without giving me first dibs to a new scoring spot. In a vacuum, this doesn't allow for that many bingos (under 9% per Quackle), but it just doesn't score enough to the point where if Jared does make a play at 11E, I might be in trouble.
>Jared_Cappel: EINNPTU 11C .EP +24 362
#note Morris gifts me a G out in space. I almost have GLUTENIN, RETUNING, DETUNING etc. He has almost no clock, so I play CEP nearly instantly, scoring nicely and holding TUNIN to maybe hit a bingo to the G. This sims best, but it wasn't enough. Thought I played pretty strongly in this set, but opening with THIRD instead of QI was costly in this game, as was chickening out on SCONCED (and overlooking VEX in another game). Sometimes a few weak plays make all the difference. Congrats to Morris for winning this set and going up 2 sets to 1. I retain the edge in wins at 9 games to 6. Looking forward to our next matchup!!! (Interesting sidenote, the player going first lost all 5 of the games in this set.)
>Morris_Greenberg: DEELNOR 2H .OLDENER +74 431
#note Very lucky draw.
>Jared_Cappel: EGINNTU 1L TUNE +28 390
>Morris_Greenberg: O K2 .O +3 434
>Morris_Greenberg: (GIN) +8 442