Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Bynak Bynak
#player2 Noah Noah
>Bynak: ACDGIY 8D CADGY +30 30
#note Billy filled in some racks or partial racks of his, I think when I was looking at the game in Quackle.
>Noah: AEEEOPT 9G OE +12 12
#note I think sim preferred ADOPTEE/COATEE by a fair bit over this.
>Bynak: GIIIINRT D8 .ITING +18 48
>Noah: AEEOPTV 10F VAPE +29 41
>Bynak: BIIJR 13B JI. +22 70
>Noah: AEFINOT 14B OF +33 74
>Bynak: BEIIIRT J6 BITER +27 97
>Noah: ABEINTU 8J .UBATE +33 107
#note Was a little tempted to play the sort of classic UNBAITED* here (also maybe not ONE HUNDRED percent sure it was phony ... word confusions seem to persist for me. UNBAITED* feels close to UNPARTED)
>Bynak: GIIIKLO N8 .IKI +18 115
>Noah: AINNNRS K7 N.N +7 114
#note Maybe RENIN or INN here instead. GOANNA is cute.
>Bynak: EEGILLO M10 OGLE +19 134
>Noah: AEINRST 15C STEARIN +80 194
>Bynak: AEILSTU O11 TUILE +22 156
>Noah: EEFNNOQ 12H FENNE. +26 220
>Bynak: AAOORSZ 14F ZOA +67 223
>Noah: DEHHOQS 9C Q. +21 241
>Bynak: ?AOORRS O1 SORORAt. +74 297
>Noah: DEEHHOS N2 HOSED +49 290
#note Also considered HEH, probably at N4.
>Bynak: ACDL I4 CLAD +19 316
>Noah: EHMORST M1 HOM +32 322
>Bynak: ADILRW 14J WARD +23 339
>Noah: EERSTUY 3I YE +24 346
>Bynak: ?AILPUV K2 VAIL +20 359
>Noah: EMRSTUW 11A MER.T +14 360
#note Yay. I didn't see oX 14A, but this still looks good.
>Bynak: ?PUX 10A UP +24 383
>Noah: SUW K11 U.S.W +16 376
>Noah: (?X) +16 392
Player 2
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