Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
#player2 Peter_Barkman Peter Barkman
>James_Donnelly: AILNNUU 8H UNAU +8 8
>Peter_Barkman: CHMO K7 M.CHO +24 24
>James_Donnelly: DGILNTT L11 DINT +13 21
#note Quackle likes a fish of 11J T(O)D. I guess -ING is just that good
>Peter_Barkman: AFTY 14J FA.TY +38 62
>James_Donnelly: BGILLRT N10 GIRL. +13 34
#note I wasn't sure of BILG(Y) or BIGL(Y)
>Peter_Barkman: EJO 15H JOE +35 97
>James_Donnelly: BLRSSTX H6 BL.RTS +8 42
#note Somehow H6 BR(U)X sims better than H6 BL(U)RTS. I thought that the X could do some work in column O.
>Peter_Barkman: AENRTV 11B TAVERN. +20 117
>James_Donnelly: AEHOSSX L3 HOAXES +44 86
>Peter_Barkman: DUW M5 WUD +31 148
>James_Donnelly: AEGIIOS O7 AGIO +18 104
>Peter_Barkman: ADEP D11 .APED +26 174
>James_Donnelly: EEFILRS 15A FLE. +24 128
#note 3H FLES(H)IER
>Peter_Barkman: AAKLO N1 KOALA +24 198
>James_Donnelly: EEIINRS F4 RESINIE. +62 190
>Peter_Barkman: EOW 1L WO.E +45 243
>James_Donnelly: ?AEEIRY 13C A.ERY +28 218
#note I didn't like E5 YEA or E4 AYE because I'm down and don't want to close the board with a blank. However, maybe the slightly superior leave is worth the 2 point sacrifice?
>Peter_Barkman: PT 2M P.T +11 254
>James_Donnelly: ?DEIIIZ 6H .IZ +34 252
#note Ouch 8A DIaZI(N) or sEIZI(N)
>Peter_Barkman: ?EGINOT 4B TOwE.ING +68 322
>James_Donnelly: ?DEEIIR I2 DI. +6 258
#note I need a big play and the only bingo lanes are the ones throught the floaters in TOWERING. I thought DI(G) would increase my chances of hitting something, but apparently 13L (N)I(L) guarantees a bingo ~65% of the time. Maybe Peter has no good blocks with the pool?
>Peter_Barkman: BCOQSUV C3 C.B +14 336
>James_Donnelly: ?EEIMNR 2D REMIN.Ed +68 326
#note Peter's only win was playing 2F QUO(D)S, outrunning me by a hair. If he had played just QU(O)D, I would've had enough points to catch up. Overscored by 1
>James_Donnelly: (OQSUV) +34 360
Player 2
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