Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
#player2 Annette_Obrestad Annette Obrestad
>James_Donnelly: DILOOQZ 8D ZOOID +50 50
>Annette_Obrestad: AFH 9C FAH +29 29
>James_Donnelly: JLLOPQV 10D POLL +28 78
#note Underscored as 24
>Annette_Obrestad: ?EEGINS H8 .ESIGNEd +90 119
>James_Donnelly: AIJQSTV G7 Q. +21 99
#note The S is so powerful here that Q(I) is better that I5 QATS
>Annette_Obrestad: EKW 14G W.EK +21 140
>James_Donnelly: AEIJSTV K10 JIVES +42 141
>Annette_Obrestad: AITV 12K .IVAT +24 164
>James_Donnelly: AINPRTT 15K TAPIR +40 181
#note Wasn't certain of 15K TRAPT for the same score. Slightly better leave available
>Annette_Obrestad: ACEH O8 CHEA. +30 194
>James_Donnelly: EENRRTX L11 N.X +21 202
#note To be honest, I had no idea what to do here. Sim says N14 XI is best. I'll just agree blindly
>Annette_Obrestad: DEORSTT I2 DOTTERS +76 270
>James_Donnelly: ?EERRRT 2D RETaR.ER +62 264
#note RETORTER, RESORTER, and REPORTER are all words that are better.
>Annette_Obrestad: EMMO 1E MEMO +39 309
>James_Donnelly: DINNTWY 4I .WINY +22 286
#note 12C WYTIN(G) is nice. Definitely the play here.
>Annette_Obrestad: FGINR M2 FR.ING +30 339
>James_Donnelly: ACDNNTU 3E TAD +21 307
#note With so many vowels in the pool, 5K DU(I) becomes the best option
>Annette_Obrestad: DO 5I .OD +19 358
>James_Donnelly: CLNNUUU 2M .UN +12 319
#note Exchaning NUUU seems nice.
>Annette_Obrestad: AA G13 A.A +11 369
>James_Donnelly: CEILNUU O1 U.CULI +27 346
#note UNCULI* kinda looks like a word(?)
>Annette_Obrestad: BEL N10 BL.E +24 393
>James_Donnelly: ABEENOY 4B BONE +18 364
#note Best endgame is 4C EYE, but I don't have the brainpower to tell you why. Shoutouts to G7 (QI)B(L)A for being the most stylish play.
>Annette_Obrestad: AGIOSU 11A GOAS +20 413
>James_Donnelly: AEY L7 AYE +13 377
#note This plays under BONE, but I expected it to be blocked. WIth no time left, I played this.
>James_Donnelly: (IU) +4 381
Player 2
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