Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Max_Panitch Max Panitch
#player2 James_Donnelly James Donnelly
>Max_Panitch: ANQRT 8H TRANQ +48 48
>James_Donnelly: DEEPRRT J5 REP.RTED +65 65
#note As Josh told me, you can remember that this isn't a word because Moses never came back.
>Max_Panitch: EHILNOS H4 HOLS.EIN +65 113
>James_Donnelly: ?AAAEGN G4 AGA +14 79
#note Noooo, I even studied APANAGE.
>Max_Panitch: ?EIRTUZ L8 .UaRTIZE +102 215
>James_Donnelly: ?ABDENT 15H BANT.rED +140 219
#note I held QUARTIZE* and was going to challenge, but I have a 3x3. Thoughts?
>Max_Panitch: ACHOUV F6 AVOUCH +27 242
>James_Donnelly: BEEGIRS 3E BEG +16 235
#note Looking back, I much prefer M3 BEIGES or GIBERS. Sim likes 14N BE since there are two decent s lanes.
>Max_Panitch: DEIJ E1 JI.ED +30 272
>James_Donnelly: AEEINRS 1E .EAN +33 268
#note IN(J)ERA. I'm glad I didn't miss a bingo at least
>Max_Panitch: EINSVX M3 VIXENS +49 321
>James_Donnelly: EILPRSY D4 YEP +29 297
#note YIP in the same spot is far superior
>Max_Panitch: AKLTU C3 TALUK +42 363
>James_Donnelly: DIILRSY G11 IDYL +18 315
#note Apparently n5 ID gives me the best shot at winning. Just hope he doesn't have an S.
>Max_Panitch: AFLW 8A FLAW +52 415
#note :(
>James_Donnelly: ACIIORS E11 CIAO +30 345
#note Passing up 14L (Z)ORI and 14K I(Z)AR to preserve lanes is a bit much, says Quackle.
>Max_Panitch: EIMMORS L4 MOM +35 450
>James_Donnelly: IOORSSU A8 .URIOSOS +86 431
#note Had to try FURIOSOS*. It's good in collins.
>Max_Panitch: ENO 14L .ONE +34 484
>James_Donnelly: EFIIW 14D F.W. +18 449
#note Best endgame is 3A FI(T) keeping A1 WI(F)E or N6 WE
>Max_Panitch: GORT N4 ROT +27 511
>James_Donnelly: EII 13A .EI +6 455
>Max_Panitch: G 12D G. +6 517
>Max_Panitch: (I) +2 519
Player 2
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