Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 Mohammad Mohammad
>Josh: ADELNRT -L +0 0
#note CCC 2023 - Round 8
>Mohammad: IIIIIII -IIIII +0 0
>Josh: ADENRST 8F STARNED +70 70
>Mohammad: UW F6 WU. +14 14
>Josh: ?AHIJNT K1 JAcINTH. +84 154
>Mohammad: EIMR 2J M.IRE +26 40
>Josh: CLOPSST 9K SOC +29 183
>Mohammad: EEY 1M EYE +25 65
>Josh: AELPQST N6 QATS +39 222
#note 4J Q(I) is a clear sim winner here. I was focused on equity and didn't calculate how many draws bingoed with AELPST. #strategylarge
>Mohammad: IX O7 XI +42 107
>Josh: DEFLPPV 4I FL.PPED +34 256
>Mohammad: AEG 9G AGE +15 122
>Josh: FIIRRSV H7 V..I +8 264
#note I gave in to fear and played scared. 6H RIF(T) is fine. #strategysadder
>Mohammad: EO E5 OE +9 131
>Josh: EFHIRRS D4 RIF +23 287
#note I got lucky this turn because the blocky play is also best equity.
>Mohammad: TU 10F TU. +8 139
>Josh: EEHIIRS 5G HIE +11 298
#note This does okay in a sim but 5H HEI(N)IE is the clear winner. #visionsadder
>Mohammad: EGL C3 LEG +14 153
>Josh: CDEGIRS 2C GRICED +22 320
#note Fishing with 6I GI(T) or 4C (ER)G sims best. #strategymedium
>Mohammad: ARY 1G YAR +32 185
>Josh: ABOOSUZ 3G ZO +50 370
>Mohammad: NOT 11E NOT +12 197
>Josh: ABIMOSU 12B OMBU +18 388
#note Wasn't sure of M9 (C)UMBIA. Also, the K is still out for KOMBU, lmao. #KNOWLEDGESADDEST
>Mohammad: RTV B10 VR.T +15 212
>Josh: AAEIOOS 13B .AO +18 406
>Mohammad: KNO L8 ..NKO +20 232
>Josh: AEIINOS K11 OI +18 424
>Mohammad: BLLU 13H BULL +10 242
>Josh: ?AAEINS 14C NAIAdES +74 498
>Josh: (ADENW) +18 516
Player 2
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