Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Dave_Johnson Dave Johnson
>Noah: EENOOOO -EOOOO +0 0
>Dave_Johnson: IIMP 8F IMPI +16 16
>Noah: AEEGGNO 7E EGO +13 13
>Dave_Johnson: AVW 6C VAW +14 30
>Noah: AEEGNXY 5E EX +30 43
#note Sim prefers YAG/YAGE/YANG
>Dave_Johnson: AEEIRRS 6G RERAISE +64 94
>Noah: ADEGNUY N2 GUYED +41 84
>Dave_Johnson: ??ACHIT H8 .ATCHIer +101 195
>Noah: AEFNOOV H1 FOVEA. +39 123
>Dave_Johnson: INTUW L1 UNWIT. +20 215
>Noah: INNOORT 14G T.NORINO +68 191
>Dave_Johnson: ADRT 15L DART +30 245
>Noah: EEFJNSU F2 JEU. +34 225
>Dave_Johnson: DMO O1 DOM +25 270
>Noah: EFINPSY 11E SPE.IFY +68 293
>Dave_Johnson: LLO D3 OLL. +18 288
>Noah: ABENORU 13K OBA +24 317
#note Wondered about BORANE, but that looked a little scary with the Z out. Sim thinks it is best by a lot. ENRU doesn't look as good as usual here, but I think I was also thinking that Dave just doesn't have very good comeback chances here, and the Z is a good way for him to get back in the game. Also, BORANE doesn't seem to help that much with outrunning bingos. That said, maybe Dave can outscore me enough without a bingo after OBA (or BORA, which the sim also prefers to OBA, and seems better) that it is not correct. I'm still tempted by OBA, because the post-OBA board looks pretty good to me at this score, but big column O plays may be too marginal to be worth worrying about.
>Dave_Johnson: DN 3C D.N. +10 298
>Noah: EINORRU 10K OUR +8 325
#note Missed VROUW, which looks better. I may also want to play OURIE, which I did see. OURIE gives him better short term bingo chances, but should often give me opportunities to shut most of the remaining bingo lines on my next turn. I don't know if I have the lead to do it, though. The sim rates it much lower than OUR/VROUW.
>Dave_Johnson: QT J5 Q.T +12 310
>Noah: BCEEINR M4 CE. +16 341
#note Maybe BRIE here?
>Dave_Johnson: S 8F ....S +22 332
>Noah: ABEHINR 12D AHI +21 362
#note Quackle points out a very cool play which is available here (answer at the end of the game). The idea here was to block the V, but the R is still a threat. I should maybe just play BAH 2B. I could play HAJ, which I missed, but the Z seems fairly unlikely as a tile for Dave to have given his choice of IMPI. Sim likes HERNIA, which may be a little scarier given QATS, but it's hard to say - those lanes don't actually look that promising for the pool, even after QATS.
>Dave_Johnson: AEKL 13B KALE +24 356
>Noah: BEEGNRT 14C TEN +15 377
#note I think I had about two minutes here. Quackle thinks SHENT E11 is a little better, but still loses, and that a few other plays do as well as TEN. I don't see any good ways to try to steal a win.
>Dave_Johnson: AILNSZ 9C ZINS +27 383
>Noah: BEGR B10 BER. +16 393
#note Held and released.
>Dave_Johnson: AL 2B LA +7 390
>Dave_Johnson: (G) +4 394
Player 2
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