Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
#player2 Christopher_Sykes Christopher Sykes
>Arie_Sinke: AHIINOS 8F OHIA +14 14
#note I had a hard time choosing between OHIA and HOISIN here. A sim suggests I made the right decision. The very aggressive 8H placement of OHIA is probably about comparable with my play.
>Christopher_Sykes: BNOO 7F BOON +23 23
>Arie_Sinke: IIIINSZ -III +0 14
#note Either this exchange or keeping INS is reasonable here. I thought the Z would be helpful to me on a closed board.
>Christopher_Sykes: AMP 9E PAM +26 49
>Arie_Sinke: GINNSTZ 10D ZITS +36 50
#note I snag a few easy points at the expense of leave here. The sim likes it.
>Christopher_Sykes: ENRSTTU J1 NUTTERS +68 117
>Arie_Sinke: EGILNNR D10 .INGER +34 84
#note No good option exists to keep the leave together - best I can do is ZEN, which doesn't even keep that great a leave and sacrifices too much.
>Christopher_Sykes: CEIW 1H WI.CE +33 150
>Arie_Sinke: AELNNQW 11C W.N +22 106
#note This is okay but doesn't look best. REWAN 13A to score two more and take out the scoring threat of the R, while opening the southeast quadrant to sevens, would be my top choice in retrospect. Quackle thinks it's worth it to accept the poor ELNNW leave with QAT 4H.
>Christopher_Sykes: AIJO 15D .IOJA +36 186
>Arie_Sinke: AEILNQY 4H QA. +22 128
#note This is now my only real option.
>Christopher_Sykes: ?EEEFRT 14H FlEETER +77 263
>Arie_Sinke: DEILNOY M1 YOD +28 156
#note I missed my highest scoring option of ELOINED 5E for 45; that looks worth it. YO 13M to set up the D also looks a bit better than my play.
>Christopher_Sykes: OPTUY N2 POUTY +47 310
>Arie_Sinke: ADEHILN 5C HEADLIN. +87 243
#note Best bingo.
>Christopher_Sykes: BFIR D1 FIBR. +28 338
>Arie_Sinke: AADIMOO 13J AMIDO +32 275
#note I like scoring as much as possible while kind of forking the board, creating a surprisingly usable line out of nowhere on row 12 while also setting up AMIDOL. I should be able to pull off the occasional game with bingos after this.
>Christopher_Sykes: AALSUVV 15M VAV +37 375
>Arie_Sinke: ADEELOU K5 DE +36 311
#note I reasoned that I had to accept the poor leave in order to score enough to stay within bingo range. LEAGUED 13A for 22 looks like it's probably a better play - creates the threat of the L that needs to be addressed, and a lot of bingos still play at 12F - something like TOXINES gets me right back in the game.
>Christopher_Sykes: AKR O6 ARK +26 401
>Arie_Sinke: AEGLOSU 12B LO.G +17 328
#note I had no ideas - this play is very unlikely to work, but I couldn't come up with anything else so I though I'd give it a shot. The sim suggests that miracle wins after LONG are even rarer than wins after scoring plays like 2B SOILAGE.
>Christopher_Sykes: ?EINSTX A8 SEXTaIN +94 495
>Arie_Sinke: AEELLSU A8 .......S +42 370
#note Championship player thinks I do better in the endgame by going out in two with LEAF 1A.
>Christopher_Sykes: CEGRU 1A CUR. +27 522
>Arie_Sinke: AEELLU O1 EEL +18 388
>Christopher_Sykes: EG F13 EG. +8 530
>Christopher_Sykes: (ALU) +6 536
Player 2
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