Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Chloe Chloe
#player2 Joey Joey
>Chloe: BEO H8 OBE +10 10
>Joey: ADEILRT I6 TRIALED +69 69
>Chloe: DL 10G D..L +7 17
>Joey: IIINQRY J5 QI +17 86
>Chloe: AT 5J .AT +24 41
>Joey: BIINNRY H12 INBY +34 120
>Chloe: ELNUY 4K LUNEY +30 71
#note There are so many other ways to spell this correctly. Blah.
>Joey: FIILMNR O1 LIM. +27 147
#note And I thought INFIRMLY was a pipe dream!
>Chloe: RSU M2 RU.S +21 92
>Joey: AFHIJNR 14D HIJA. +33 180
>Chloe: EZ K4 ..ZE +25 117
>Joey: AEFINOR 15A FINO +30 210
>Chloe: ?IRRSTW L7 WRITeRS +75 192
>Joey: AEEGNRV 11A ENGRAVE +75 285
>Chloe: DEOV 8K D.OVE +42 234
>Joey: CEHIIKP A8 CHE.K +57 342
>Chloe: MPU 13C UMP +26 260
>Joey: ACFIIPT 13J FI.C +18 360
#note FISTIC closes up this area more effectively and further exhausts the tile bag.
>Chloe: OW 9A .OW +13 273
>Joey: AEIPRTX 14A EX +41 401
>Chloe: EGG 3I EGG +23 296
>Joey: AAIPRTT G4 ATRIP +13 414
#note Ugh, PARTITA. Thank goodness I had a lead to futz around with.
>Chloe: AADENST 2C ANSATED +63 359
>Joey: ?ANOOST O7 T.ASpOON +58 472
#note NANOBOTS is a forgivable miss. But I should at least see SANTOORS.
>Joey: (AEOOU) +10 482
Player 2
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