Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 James James
>Joey: AAGLTUW 8G WAUL +14 14
>James: AFK 7F KAF +22 22
>Joey: ?ADEGPT I8 .PsTAGED +66 80
>James: ?AILORT 15H I.OLAToR +131 153
>Joey: ILQRSVW -LQVW +0 80
#note So hard to exchange after being dealt a haymaker, but I didn't feel like plodding through with something like EW.
>James: BEN 14L NEB +20 173
>Joey: DILORRS 6E LOR +19 99
>James: UX 11I .UX +20 193
>Joey: ADHIRSS 14C RADISH.S +75 174
#note Missing SHAIRDS and DISHRAGS. At least this only scored a little less.
>James: EEEINRS C7 SNEERIE. +70 263
>Joey: AEIOOWY B10 YEOW +40 214
>James: IQ B6 QI +33 296
>Joey: AFGIMOO A12 MOFO +50 264
>James: JOT A8 JOT +36 332
>Joey: AABDGIV 13K GAB +25 289
>James: CIP 10F PIC. +13 345
>Joey: ADIOTUV 5G DIVOT +26 315
>James: HINT 6J HINT +30 375
>Joey: AACEGUY E11 GAU.Y +20 335
>James: DEILNO M3 LEN.OID +22 397
>Joey: ACEERTZ L1 CZAR +42 377
#note I thought about RECTI, but this got me just close enough with a perfect final draw.
>James: EMN 8L M.NE +27 424
>Joey: AEEESTV N2 EAVES +41 418
>James: EINRU 1L .URE +27 451
>Joey: ET D9 TE +11 429
>Joey: (IN) +4 433
Player 2
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