Player 1 |
#player1 kc kc
#player2 k8 k8
>kc: DEIW 8G WIDE +16 16
>k8: KNNSSTW J6 KN.W +21 21
>kc: OX 7G OX +25 41
>k8: AENRSST 6A SARSNET +67 88
>kc: ??AEEHI K5 HIE +20 61
#note missed the two triple triples (which are weird words - i would've probably missed them, too), and then decided to try for something better next turn... i would've just played HESItAtE and gotten on with my life.
>k8: ACEGIMU A4 MU.IC +36 124
#note i saw CESIUM and MUSCAE, but decided a couple less points and holding AGE was better than AG or GI. MUSIC also prevents a bingo down the B line. after he took a long time on his last turn, it seemed reasonable to make it harder to bingo at least in one place.
>kc: ??AEJLR L1 JAiLER +52 113
#note janglers/janglier double double...
>k8: AEGIIIN 1L .EAN +33 157
#note INIA, GENII or this. quackle likes the other two better, or trade II. also likes JANE better than JEAN, if i'm going to go this route. i also flirted with GAIJIN hoping he'd hook an S, but decided to take the points.
>kc: OO 9J .OO +6 119
>k8: CGIIINO E4 IO.IC +14 171
#note thank you, tile gods, for getting me out of that situation safely.
>kc: ?ADINOR M7 ANDIROn +80 199
>k8: AFGIINT 13G FAINTI.G +66 237
>kc: DPY H12 P.DY +39 238
#note i held. i went through words in my head (PADI, PATY, WADI, WADY) - i'm 80% sure this is not good, but that isn't enough to risk having to slog through my current rack twice, so i decide to just keep the small lead on my next turn and hope.
>k8: EFRUVVY 3I VER.FY +36 273
>kc: EEL 4L .EE +13 251
>k8: EGOOTUV 8M .OG +12 285
#note i couldn't be sure of TOGUE (sigh) but felt compelled to take out the lane. i like that this keeps OVER and OUT words a possibility through the R. OGIVE L11 sims best.
>kc: DMU F2 MUD +15 266
>k8: EORRTUV D2 REV +26 311
#note now i'm just trying to outscore and keep decent leaves.
>kc: AEEISST C1 TEA +12 278
#note i think he said i blocked SERIATES, so this may be his real rack, o ri may have remembered wrong.
>k8: BENORTU C5 T.UEBORN +64 375
#note whee! i also have a bingo through the G.
>kc: AEHIPSS B10 HEAPS +53 331
>k8: BGILSTZ 12A B..G +20 395
#note if i draw the Q, i'd like to have two places to get rid of it. i meant to play LANG to keep the BIZ possibility, but i forgot by the time i decided to go with this strategy.
>kc: AALLOTU A12 .OUT +24 355
>k8: ILQSTZ E10 QIS +32 427
#note yes, ZIT is two points better. meh.
>kc: AALL 15D ALLA. +9 364
>kc: (LTZ) +24 388