Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Andrew_Fisher Andrew Fisher
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Andrew_Fisher: AAJLP 8D JALAP +44 44
>Peter_Kougi: EFHNRTW 9G HEWN +31 31
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best G7 F(A)W 17 35.97% EHNTR

0.312 G7 F(A)WN 18 35.72% EHTR

0.871 9G WEFT 31 35.60% HNR

1.87 G6 WH(A)RF 19 34.96% ENT

2.19*9G HEWN 31 34.83% FTR

>Andrew_Fisher: ELSUX F5 EXU.S +39 83
>Peter_Kougi: BFNRRTY 5C YBR.NT +22 53
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 7E F(U)B 27 30.26% NRRTY

0.760*5C YBR(E)NT 22 29.56% FR

3.21 E3 FRY 28 28.74% BNRT

>Andrew_Fisher: AEHT 10H HEAT +26 109
>Peter_Kougi: ?EFILOR 4C FOE +30 83
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *4C FOE 30 43.28% ILR?

0.144 H1 FILE(T) 27 43.17% OR?

3.05 C3 FO(Y) 18 41.60% EILR?

>Andrew_Fisher: EKSZ 11E ZEKS +43 152
>Peter_Kougi: ?DEILRR 3E gIRDLER +61 144
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *3E gIRDLER 61 36.37%

2.66 12B DIRER 25 34.70% L?

3.82 12B RILED 26 34.20% R?

>Andrew_Fisher: ?ADFIST L4 DAFTIeS +80 232
>Peter_Kougi: IILNOPT 12A PINTO +31 175
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 9)
best 2J POITIN 40 12.61% L

3.65 12D LOTI 27 12.36% PNI

3.45 2J PONTIL 40 12.28% I

3.52 2J POINT 38 11.67% IL

4.03 2J POTIN 38 10.98% IL

9.65 K3 (R)IP 21 10.53% NITOL

9.29 K5 POI 25 10.25% NITL

7.64 12B PINOT 27 10.20% IL

9.34*12A PINTO 31 9.867% IL

>Andrew_Fisher: AEMORW 2J WOMERA +53 285
>Peter_Kougi: ADEIILO 13C AIOLI +30 205
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *13C AIOLI 30 5.046% DE

5.86 13E OI 14 4.807% ADEIL

11.0 13D IO 16 3.938% ADEIL

>Andrew_Fisher: ADITU H1 AU.I. +21 306
>Peter_Kougi: DEGNQST O1 Q.T +36 241
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *O1 Q(A)T 36 7.877% DEGNS

5.19 O1 Q(A)TS 42 6.102% DEGN

15.1 F2 Q(I) 31 5.571% DEGNST

>Andrew_Fisher: GINOO A10 OO.ING +27 333
>Peter_Kougi: ADDEGNS K5 DEAD +28 269
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
1.32 7E D(U)D 19 5.167% GAENS

0.586 K1 G(OR)ED 23 5.028% ADNS

1.09 K1 D(OR)AD 23 4.555% GENS

3.97 8L (I)GAD 18 4.504% DENS

2.09 1J AGED 25 4.349% DNS

5.06 K2 (OR)AD 19 4.181% GDENS

best 2A DANGED 36 4.109% S

4.45 1J EGAD 25 3.865% DNS

7.88 C2 DE(FY) 22 3.813% GADNS

4.04 M2 (E)GAD 18 3.719% DENS

5.13*K5 DEAD 28 3.527% GNS

>Andrew_Fisher: AEGMY B6 GAMEY +36 369
>Peter_Kougi: EGNNOSU 8K ..NGO +21 290
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
19.4 K10 (T)ONGUE 14 2.576% NS

11.3 A7 NO 20 1.515% GEUNS

7.53 1K NU 11 0.9091% GEONS

best 14E NONG 26 0.7576% EUS

3.10 1F GU(A)NO 12 0.7576% ENS

11.3 14D EN 18 0.7576% GUONS

15.6 14A (N)ONGS 32 0.7576% EUN

20.5 14E NONE 25 0.7576% GUS

0.623 1K GUN 16 0.3788% EONS

5.40 J5 ON 16 0.3788% GEUNS

10.9*8K (DI)NGO 21 0.000% EUNS

>Andrew_Fisher: CETU A5 CUTE +35 404
>Peter_Kougi: CEINRSU N4 SCUN.IER +65 355
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best N8 (G)U 3 CRINES

4.46 O8 (O)U 2 CRINES

19.0 L1 U(M) 5 CRINES

21.0 O5 INS(O)URCE 61

21.0*N4 SCUN(G)IER 65

>Andrew_Fisher: BELORVV 2A VOLVE +25 429
>Peter_Kougi: I D4 ..I +5 360
>Peter_Kougi: (BR) +8 368
Player 2
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Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
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