Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 David_Eldar David Eldar
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>David_Eldar: OPU H8 UPO +10 10
>Peter_Kougi: ADEFNWY 11E FAWNY +34 34
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *11E FAWNY 34 50.84% ED

0.363 11E DAWNEY 32 50.66% F

1.11 I9 AWFY 24 50.35% NED

>David_Eldar: BDIINOS F5 OBSIDI.N +69 79
>Peter_Kougi: DEKNRTZ 5E Z.NK +34 68
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *5E Z(O)NK 34 42.94% EDRT

1.52 E2 ZERK 46 41.90% NDT

2.14 E2 TREZ 48 41.67% KND

>David_Eldar: AAEP H1 APEA. +36 115
>Peter_Kougi: DEGMRRT 3G G.RM +10 78
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *3G G(E)RM 10 29.52% DERT

3.08 1G M(A)RG 7 28.16% DERT

4.52 I1 GERM 22 27.37% DRT

>David_Eldar: ABRX I7 BRAX. +37 152
>Peter_Kougi: DEJRTTU 7C JUT. +19 97
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
0.313*7C JUT(S) 19 17.74% DERT

best 2F JU(P)E 34 17.63% DRTT

3.46 G1 JU(G) 24 16.50% DERTT

>David_Eldar: ?ELOSTT C7 .OLTiEST +80 232
>Peter_Kougi: ADELQRT 14A QA. +24 121
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 1G Q(A)T 12 2.581% ADELR

1.06*14A QA(T) 24 2.334% DELRT

10.8 14A TE(T)RAD 22 2.048% LQ

>David_Eldar: AEOR J7 AERO +30 262
>Peter_Kougi: DELLRTY K2 LYTED +29 150
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *K2 LYTED 29 2.059% LR

10.2 K3 YELL 25 1.579% DRT

8.82 K2 TYLER 27 1.551% DL

>David_Eldar: EEGMR L4 EMERG +31 293
>Peter_Kougi: ILLORRV M1 VRIL +17 167
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
11.8 2K (L)IVOR 16 0.4673% LLR

best 12A VI(E)R 22 0.3385% LLOR

7.44 1E ORV(A)L 8 0.3301% ILR

1.03 M1 VIRL 17 0.3295% LOR

9.31 1E VOL(A)R 8 0.3234% ILR

10.2 8L (G)IRL 15 0.3109% LOVR

3.53 8A LO(O)R 18 0.2926% ILVR

1.58 A14 (Q)I 33 0.2811% LLORVR

6.72 M1 VIOL 17 0.2749% LRR

11.9 8L (G)RRL 15 0.2471% ILOV

1.73*M1 VRIL 17 0.2343% LOR

>David_Eldar: DI 15A ID +45 338
>Peter_Kougi: AELNORS M8 ORLEANS +69 236
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *M8 ORLEANS 69 0.7114%

15.2 N4 LOANERS 65 0.4459%

32.6 1L O(V)ER 24 0.3070% LANS

>David_Eldar: FGOW 8L ..WF +33 371
>Peter_Kougi: ?DHHISU N12 HUH +35 271
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
3.37 D12 HIS 37 5.319% DHU?

best D12 HISH 53 3.713% DU?

7.83 D12 DISH 45 3.303% HU?

5.25 L12 HUI 26 2.719% DHS?

10.7 12A HU(E)D 24 2.521% HIS?

6.23*N12 HUH 35 2.203% DIS?

>David_Eldar: AGU O13 GAU +22 393
>Peter_Kougi: ?DEEIIS 1M .IE +18 289
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
5.66*1M (V)IE 18 2.273% DEIS?

12.3 B8 DEI 15 1.515% EIS?

9.93 1M (V)ID 21 1.061% EEIS?

>David_Eldar: IOT 2K .I.OT +16 409
>Peter_Kougi: ?CDEEIS 8A EC.S +24 313
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
38.2 D12 DIS 29 8.333% CEE?

19.0 I2 E(R)ES 28 5.758% CDI?

37.5 I2 I(R)ES 28 4.848% CDE?

27.0 L11 EDS 29 4.394% CEI?

46.5 13F SEED 20 3.788% CI?

40.9 B8 DEE 15 2.652% CIS?

39.5 B8 DEI 15 2.273% CES?

6.86*8A EC(O)S 24 0.7576% DEI?

>David_Eldar: EINOOTV 12F .E +7 416
>Peter_Kougi: ?ADEIIN O4 sANI.IED +61 374
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: urp)
best 12L A(AH) 12 DEIIN?

17.1 1H (A)I 2 ADEIN?

25.6 L4 (EMERG)E 11 ADIIN?

27.6 13C (S)I 2 ADEIN?

28.4 10M (L)I 4 ADEIN?

28.4 9E I(D) 3 ADEIN?

32.0 10B I(T) 4 ADEIN?

33.4 10C (T)I 2 ADEIN?

35.0 6K (DE)I 4 ADEIN?

21.3*O4 sANI(F)IED 61

>David_Eldar: EINOOTV 6D NI. +20 436
>Peter_Kougi: C - +0 374
>David_Eldar: EOOTV G11 ..T +7 443
>Peter_Kougi: C - +0 374
>David_Eldar: EOOV 7N O. +7 450
>Peter_Kougi: C - +0 374
>David_Eldar: EOV H13 EVO +20 470
>David_Eldar: (C) +6 476
Player 2
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Copyright © 2005-2025 Seth Lipkin and Keith Smith
Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
SCRABBLE® is a registered trademark of Hasbro, Inc. in the USA and Canada.
Current time: 2025-01-07 20:13:35 Server IP: