Game Details
Player 1
#player1 k8 k8
#player2 ron ron
#note yeah, i thought about JUG and JUGA, but it felt like it gave too much back for what leave i had. it's probably sacrificing too much.
>ron: IO 8H OI +4 4
>k8: AADHISW 7H WADI +17 17
>ron: JOT 6F JOT +32 36
>k8: ADHNRSY 8K SHADY +50 67
>ron: CISU L4 CUIS. +29 65
>k8: AENRTWZ 6K W.NZE +43 110
#note these are my favorite kinds of plays - high scores without bingoing. it took me awhile to see this after he blocked my more obvious Z plays.
>ron: IIII -IIII +0 65
>k8: AEIRTUX O1 AUXIT. +42 152
#note um. yeah. not a word. i thought if AUXETIC was a word, that AUXITE had to be, too. i should probably know better, but this didn't even get a hold.
>ron: EEMOST N8 .EMOTES +32 97
>k8: BBCEFNR N2 NEB +27 179
>ron: DGIOO 13I GOODI. +20 117
>k8: BCFIIRY O14 IF +17 196
#note quackle likes this play a lot better than i did at the time. FICO sims best (11k or k10).
>ron: DEL 12K DEL. +21 138
>k8: ABCEIOY 14H COY +32 228
#note COBIA/CEIBA block up the juicy lane and score well.
>ron: EMOPR 10J PROE. +15 153
#note i am increasingly confused by his choices. i figure he must have at least one blank to be shutting down some bingo lanes... thinking he'll be able to cash in without leaving me as many choices... he's probably under 10 minutes by now, and i'm around 19ish.
>k8: ABEINRT G5 B. +4 232
#note i have a 93% chance of winning at this point, says quackle.
>ron: AALPS F6 .ALAPS +21 174
>k8: AEIINRT 11E I. +4 236
#note okay, I'm convinced he has ?S or ?? and I really don't want to open a triple-triple lane. Now is when I start to really try to give the game away.
>ron: IQ D11 QI +34 208
>k8: AEFINRT 11I FIE +26 262
#note i always think REFIANT* is a word. good thing i convinced myself it wasn't in this situation. why didn't I just play IF and hold RETINA again? my strategies were at cross-purposes - I decided I should try to score, and not necessarily try for the bingo here. and also maybe draw a blank by turning over a couple more tiles. it's way too close to do that, probably, esp. with both blanks unseen.
>ron: AHKN C12 KHAN +28 236
>k8: AEGNRTT 15A TA.G +21 283
>ron: ALUUV 4C UVULA +21 257
#note he may be over time at this point, so my lead is a tiny bit bigger than it looks here.
>k8: EEENRRT C2 NE.TERER +70 353
>k8: EEENRRT -- -70 283
#note there is a bingo that i know through the U. there is a bingo that i know through the V. instead, i choose to play this silly word that i really did think was good. there are 9 tiles in the bag. so a bingo here leaves me with two, his comeback bingo (which he sees, i'm sure) would give him the rhythm in the race to going out. he's over about 2 minutes, maybe a little more. playing a real bingo gives me an 84% chance of winning. playing the phony and having it challenged off brings me into the 50% range.
>ron: ??ELNOV A8 NOVELis. +80 337
#note quackle says block my bingos holding both blanks (VOLE/LOVE H1), and get a 88% chance of winning. this bingo puts him at 42% win, and i'd assume less with the time penalties. he's over about 3 minutes.
>k8: EEENRRT D2 RE.ERENT +62 345
#note i still miss the higher scoring bingo, but at least i see a real one. as it turns out, reverent has a higher win percent, which must have to do with not slotting letters he can bingo through with the unseen pool. if i saw returnee, i probably still would've played this, because it's a little more defensive.
>ron: AEGMRRT - +0 337
#note without the time penalties, he'd have an easy win here. with them, he's behind by almost 50 in this situation, so he decides he has to challenge.
>k8: NR E3 R.N +12 357
#note phew.
>k8: (AEGRMRT) +20 377
Player 2
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