Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chuck_Armstrong Chuck Armstrong
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Chuck_Armstrong: IIIIIII -IIIII +0 0
>Arie_Sinke: AEEINRU 8F EAU +6 6
#note Not sure which placement of EAU is correct here or how to best evaluate between them. URAEI/AUREI is also a reasonable choice. Quackle thinks this isn't best, fwiw.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AEHIJR 9B HEJIRA +23 23
>Arie_Sinke: CEEGINR B8 C.EERING +82 88
#note Only bingo.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AAIM A12 AMIA +39 62
>Arie_Sinke: DKMRRTV F7 M..K +20 108
#note Sim thinks I should exchange here (though not by a huge margin) and I am inclined to believe it. Also, MIRK 13A for the same score is a smidgeon better; it undoubles the Rs at the expense of keeping an M and doesn't set up SMERK (I had forgotten about SMERK.)
>Chuck_Armstrong: ALPT 11A L.APT +21 83
>Arie_Sinke: DERRTVY D11 .ERVY +34 142
#note Best by far.
>Chuck_Armstrong: CNOORST 6C CONSORT +74 157
>Arie_Sinke: ADDDRRT -DDDR +0 142
#note Exchanging is called for here. This is likely the best exchange.
>Chuck_Armstrong: AGNSV J2 VANGS +31 188
>Arie_Sinke: AANRTTW 15D .ANTRA +27 169
#note Best by far.
>Chuck_Armstrong: ETX I6 .EXT +24 212
>Arie_Sinke: EEIOTUW J9 OWIE +17 186
#note TOWNIE 4G may be a better play. The way it forks the board when I have a deficit is potentially helpful.
>Chuck_Armstrong: FOO K9 OOF +30 242
>Arie_Sinke: EEELSTU L4 EUSTELE +76 262
#note Best scoring bingo.
>Chuck_Armstrong: FNU 8L .NUF +21 263
>Arie_Sinke: BDIOSUY 8A I.Y +29 291
#note This does very little to the board one way or another, but I figured I had to play it because it scores far more than anything else. With two blanks out the outcome of the game is becoming extremely bingo dependent. I would like to draw them and bingo, but I also can't afford to turn down a lot of points.
>Chuck_Armstrong: DIQ N7 Q.ID +18 281
>Arie_Sinke: BDDOPSU 13J SPUD +22 313
#note I thought I needed to do spomething about the very volatile rows 13 and 14 here. After this play the board is very difficult to bingo on, with the exception of the top left, which I would like to do something about next turn. This has the disadvantage of spending the case S relatively cheaply, but it's not that valuable on the board I am creating. I like this play and would do it again.
>Chuck_Armstrong: ABELW H1 BAWLE. +36 317
>Arie_Sinke: BDEHOOT M2 BOTH +25 338
#note This position is tough to evaluate. Despite being ahead by a turn, I thought that I was vulnerable to more than just bingos here, as Chuck can easily outrun me if neither of us bingos by scoring well with the Z. Hence, plays like HOE G2, which block most bingos but sacrifice in score and leave, do poorly in the sim. It was clear to me that I ought to play 4 tiles to maximize my odds of getting a blank or the Z. My play is one of the better options, but there are a few plays that stand out. HOB 14L, which sets up HOBO and will often allow me to respond to bingos by scoring well with the Z on column O, is the sim winner by a small margin. OHED 14K, which scores as much as possible and attempts to outrun bingos by scoring well in newly opened spots, also sims well. DOTH instead of BOTH also does well in the sim. No idea why that's the case. HOB looks like the best choice.
>Chuck_Armstrong: ??DIINR 2A uReDINI. +68 385
>Arie_Sinke: DEGILOZ A1 O.ZEL +42 380
#note OuZEL is my best choice.
>Chuck_Armstrong: O 2M .O +8 393
>Chuck_Armstrong: (DIG) +10 403