Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Rod_Talbot Rod Talbot
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Rod_Talbot: AEGINPR H4 REAPING +72 72
>Peter_Kougi: AEHOTTT I5 THETA +27 27
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *I5 THETA 27 24.44% OT

>Rod_Talbot: AF G6 FA +21 93
>Peter_Kougi: OOORTTW J9 WOOT +15 42
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *J9 WOOT 15 22.42% ORT

3.17 J9 WROOT 16 21.08% OT

>Rod_Talbot: AINNOST F7 NATIONS +65 158
>Peter_Kougi: CNORSTU 8A CORNU. +27 69
#note Oh mann!

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best 11A CROUT(O)NS 81 22.21%

39.0*8A CORNU(A) 27 9.845% ST

>Rod_Talbot: IQ 12D QI. +24 182
>Peter_Kougi: DEEIIST D3 DIETI.ES +68 137
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *D3 DIETI(N)ES 68 18.73%

6.50 A2 EIDETI(C)S 63 16.03%

>Rod_Talbot: LLW 5C W.LL +14 196
>Peter_Kougi: ADEHSSU G12 SH +31 168
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
0.106 K11 HAUD 28 29.41% ESS

best 11E H(O)AS 35 29.26% DESU

1.98 K10 UH 22 28.86% ADESS

2.26 K10 HUED 27 28.23% ASS

2.85 G11 US 17 27.94% ADEHS

4.02 E10 AH(I) 25 27.62% DESSU

5.06 11E H(O)DS 37 26.60% AESU

6.08*G12 SH 31 26.43% ADESU

>Rod_Talbot: ABDR B6 BR.AD +18 214
>Peter_Kougi: ?ADEESU H13 EAU +15 183
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best K10 DUE 17 47.28% ?AES

1.54 C1 DUE 14 46.58% ?AES

3.29 D12 (Q)UAD 16 45.13% ?EES

4.61 C2 DEA(W) 24 44.30% ?ESU

5.18 H13 AUE 15 44.07% ?DES

4.98 K11 EAU 12 43.61% ?DES

5.89 C5 (W)EA(R) 17 43.49% ?DESU

6.63*H13 EAU 15 42.81% ?DES

>Rod_Talbot: BMO K11 MOB +24 238
>Peter_Kougi: ?ADEEES L6 DEcEASE +75 258
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best L9 SEAwEED 81 54.50%

1.47*L6 DEcEASE 75 53.69%

>Rod_Talbot: NO 3D .ON +4 242
>Peter_Kougi: AEPRRYY 14J PERRY +40 298
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *14J PERRY 40 80.96% AY

8.38 M3 RYPER 28 75.86% AY

>Rod_Talbot: EIJKNT A10 INKJET +69 311
>Peter_Kougi: AAGGIRY B12 YAR +34 332
#note Cool word didn't know it

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
4.64 A1 AGYRIA 37 44.85% G

10.1 13A (J)IG 22 42.88% AAGRY

3.89 11E G(O)A 20 42.42% AGIRY

5.17 K5 GAY 22 42.12% AGIR

best *B12 YAR 34 41.29% AGGI

>Rod_Talbot: ELZ K5 LEZ +38 349
>Peter_Kougi: AEGGIMV C13 MAG +39 371
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
33.1 C13 IGG 34 57.88% AEMV

17.2 C13 GAG 35 57.73% EIMV

best 2E MIGG 18 56.82% AEV

2.34 C13 GEM 37 52.27% AGIV

19.0 C13 MEG 39 51.21% AGIV

22.5 C13 GAM 37 50.00% EGIV

18.6*C13 MAG 39 49.62% EGIV

>Rod_Talbot: FOU 13M UFO +24 373
>Peter_Kougi: CEGIIOV G1 CIG +16 387
#note No win

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 4)
15.0 E2 I(O) 2 CEGIOV

22.0 8L (c)IVE 18 CGIO

23.0 10L (A)GIO 7 CEIV

23.0*G1 CIG 16 EIOV

>Rod_Talbot: ?DILUVX 1G .ULeX +39 412
>Peter_Kougi: EIOV 8L .IVE +18 405
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
best J1 (e)VOE 14 I

3.00 J1 (e)VO 13 EI

3.00 J1 (e)VE 13 IO

6.00 I1 (L)EV 10 IO

10.0 8L (c)OVE 18 I

10.0*8L (c)IVE 18 O

>Rod_Talbot: DIV 2J DIV +26 438
>Rod_Talbot: (O) +2 440
Player 2
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Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
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