Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
#player2 Chris_Hall Chris Hall
>Peter_Kougi: AGIRTTU 8G GUT +8 8
#note Hmm

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 8D GUITAR 18 51.16% T

0.632 8H AGUTI 14 50.90% RT

1.09 8G TUG 8 50.68% AIRT

1.60 8D AGUTI 14 50.49% RT

1.76*8G GUT 8 50.37% AIRT

>Chris_Hall: ?CHINOO G1 mOOCHIN. +65 65
>Peter_Kougi: AAILRTW F1 AWL +30 38
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *F1 AWL 30 32.81% AIRT

1.52 F1 AW 27 32.31% AILRT

>Chris_Hall: EPT H1 PET +36 101
>Peter_Kougi: ADINORT F6 DO +16 54
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
best F5 OD 19 28.81% AINRT

0.486*F6 DO 16 28.14% AINRT

>Chris_Hall: OTV 6F ..VOT +11 112
>Peter_Kougi: AINORTY 5E YA. +22 76
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
0.269*5E YA(H) 22 28.70% INORT

best I3 OY 11 28.65% AINRT

>Chris_Hall: ETW 7I WET +22 134
>Peter_Kougi: DINNORT D3 DON +18 94
#note Yeah maybe I need to keeps things more open
>Chris_Hall: COP C2 COP +24 158
>Peter_Kougi: DFGINRT E7 DRIFT +22 116
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *E7 DRIFT 22 21.15% GN

1.59 E7 GRIFT 22 20.40% DN

>Chris_Hall: ETY F9 TYE +34 192
>Peter_Kougi: BEGLMNX 9C BL.. +9 125
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
best 8K EX 19 11.70% BGLMN

2.55 6B BEG 18 10.40% LMNX

1.95 6B MEG 18 10.37% BLNX

4.85 G11 LEX 21 10.21% BGMN

3.58 H8 (U)MBLE 10 9.937% GNX

10.6 xch BLMX 0 9.657% EGN

8.70 xch BGLX 0 9.611% EMN

11.4 xch BMX 0 9.579% EGLN

7.86 12F EX 16 9.556% BGLMN

5.13*9C BL(IT) 9 9.510% EGMNX

>Chris_Hall: ABEKS 12A BEAKS +38 230
>Peter_Kougi: EEGMNQX 13B EX +38 163
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *13B EX 38 5.585% EGMNQ

7.46 B10 EX(E)ME 32 4.525% GNQ

>Chris_Hall: DEI 10B DEI.. +22 252
>Peter_Kougi: EGMNOQU 8K EMONG +35 198
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *8K EMONG 35 9.296% QU

6.42 K7 (T)OQUE 28 7.909% GMN

>Chris_Hall: IMR A12 .RIM +34 286
>Peter_Kougi: JQRRRUV -JRRV +0 198
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best xch JQRRUV 0 3.415% R

2.73 xch JRRRV 0 3.232% QU

1.01*xch JRRV 0 3.070% QRU

>Chris_Hall: AAEINNR O1 ANEARIN. +80 366
>Peter_Kougi: AELQRSU 4L AQU. +26 224
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
24.0 3A QU(OD) 14 0.9494% AELRS

best I5 L(OWT) 7 0.5405% AEQRSU

8.88 1E L(AmP) 5 0.2699% AEQRSU

7.33 B3 LASQUE 44 0.1044% R

14.5 15A (M)ARQUE 27 0.07372% LS

10.8 6B QUA 37 0.07047% ELRS

9.68 J2 QUAR(TE) 35 0.06768% ELS

16.7 2K QUEA(N) 28 0.05358% LRS

14.0 6N Q(I) 31 0.05336% AELRSU

9.43 L4 SQUA(M)E 41 0.05158% LR

13.1*4L AQU(A) 26 0.03124% ELRS

>Chris_Hall: IJN 7M JI. +37 403
>Peter_Kougi: AEHLRRS 1A RASH +41 265
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 11)
58.7 I5 R(OWT) 7 1.212% AEHLRS

best 9L AR 18 0.000% EHLRS

8.14 1A LASH 41 0.000% ERR

15.8 9I SHEAR 36 0.000% LR

17.9 6N H(I) 27 0.000% AELRRS

18.6 9K LAR 22 0.000% EHRS

18.8 I5 R(OWT)H 15 0.000% AELRS

22.3 9J HEAR 26 0.000% LRS

32.0 5I RASH 29 0.000% ELR

33.1 B3 HARL 21 0.000% ERS

39.2*1A RASH 41 0.000% ELR

>Chris_Hall: AG 9L AG +22 425
>Peter_Kougi: EEELORV 2J ELEVO. +22 287
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 14C ELVER 20 EO

1.24 10H LOVER 21 EE

1.79*2J ELEVO(N) 22 ER

>Chris_Hall: EFINRUU M4 .I +11 436
>Peter_Kougi: EFILRUZ 1J FEZ +53 340
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 7)
70.1 7D U(DON) 5 EFILRZ

70.6 6N L(I) 9 EFIRUZ

74.1 J5 U(TE) 3 EFILRZ

77.2 K7 (TE)F 13 EILRUZ

77.5 10H FUZIL 42 ER

87.7 L1 Z(E) 21 EFILRU

89.8*1J FEZ 53 ILRU

>Chris_Hall: ?EINRSU A1 .EINSURe +74 510
>Chris_Hall: (AILRSU) +12 522
Player 2
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Some data copyright © 1999-2009 National Scrabble Association and © 2009-2025 NASPA
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