Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noel_Barrett Noel Barrett
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Noel_Barrett: BEIMO 8D BIOME +24 24
>Peter_Kougi: BEORRST E5 ORB.TERS +90 90
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *E5 ORB(I)TERS 90 69.62%

>Noel_Barrett: EEGILST I3 ELEGIST +71 95
>Peter_Kougi: ?AEMOOT 12A AuTO.OME +72 162
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 5)
best 12E (S)TOMOdEA 74 74.97%

0.284 12D O(S)TOMAtE 74 74.60%

1.12 12D O(S)tOMATE 74 74.38%

7.29 3B OOgAMET(E) 70 71.47%

8.30*12A AuTO(S)OME 72 71.36%

>Noel_Barrett: HITU A8 HUTI. +24 119
>Peter_Kougi: AAKUVVW H1 KAWA +44 206
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *H1 KAWA 44 75.96% UVV

5.76 H1 VAW 32 73.37% AKUV

>Noel_Barrett: AEIR H11 A.RIE +15 134
>Peter_Kougi: FJNNUVV -FJNNUVV +0 206
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best xch FJNUVV 0 79.28% N

5.15 xch FNUVV 0 77.96% JN

4.18*xch FJNNUVV 0 77.96%

>Noel_Barrett: DEZ G2 ZED +36 170
>Peter_Kougi: AAEEOPW C9 AWE.O +18 224
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *C9 AWE(T)O 18 74.94% AEP
3.25 C10 WA(T)APE 22 73.13% EO

>Noel_Barrett: DIINORS 15A IRONSID. +80 250
>Peter_Kougi: AAADEEP 14E APA.D +29 253
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *14E APA(I)D 29 38.93% AEE
4.29 G8 (M)ADA(M)E 18 36.62% AEP

>Noel_Barrett: FFY 11H .FFY +26 276
>Peter_Kougi: ADEEHIV D1 HIVED +35 288
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *D1 HIVED 35 53.23% AE

3.93 B7 HIVE 31 49.99% ADE

>Noel_Barrett: ?CEILNT B2 CeNTILE +75 351
>Peter_Kougi: AELLPQS 12K ALP +15 303
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
best A14 Q(I) 11 11.72% AELLPS

3.29 6A Q(I) 11 10.10% AELLPS

7.18 xch LQ 0 9.674% AELPS

7.33 xch LPQ 0 9.333% AELS

2.20 5H S(E)PAL 26 8.945% ELQ

11.9 xch ALQ 0 7.764% ELPS

7.67 5D (DO)PA 21 7.489% ELLQS

7.41 5H S(E)LL 20 7.077% AEPQ

15.2 xch ALLPQ 0 6.954% ES

8.36*12K ALP 15 6.672% ELQS

>Noel_Barrett: INORY 10J IRONY +31 382
>Peter_Kougi: EEGLQSX M12 .LEX +26 329
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
27.1 13B G(O)X 22 5.758% EELQS

8.23 10E (E)X 25 3.939% EEGLQS

15.1 A14 Q(I) 11 3.030% EEGLSX

15.7 13M EX 26 3.030% EGLQS

17.4 xch EGQX 0 3.030% ELS

best *M12 (P)LEX 26 2.652% EGQS

>Noel_Barrett: JNU 9L JUN +28 410
>Peter_Kougi: EGNQSTV A14 Q. +11 340
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 2)
18.0 14L V(E)NT 14 EGQS

21.0*A14 Q(I) 11 EGNSTV

>Noel_Barrett: ACGNORU 15K CA.ON +45 455
>Peter_Kougi: EGNSTUV 5H S.VEN +28 368
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
best 5G SU(E)TE 36 GNV

best 5G SU(E)NT 36 EGV

3.00*5H S(E)VEN 28 GTU

>Noel_Barrett: GRU 4K RUG +14 469
>Noel_Barrett: (GTU) +8 477
Player 2
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