Player 1 |
#player1 Dave Dave
#player2 Kwak Kwak
>Dave: AALMNTU 8D MANUAL +22 22
>Kwak: ADEIPSW D8 .AWED +22 22
>Dave: DEIINST H8 .DENITIS +80 102
>Kwak: BEIPSST J8 SIB +20 42
>Dave: CEIORVW C11 WOVE +28 130
>Kwak: EFNPSST 15A FENS +35 77
>Dave: CEHIOPR F1 PROCHEI. +69 199
#note Can't complain about this start.
>Kwak: NPSTTUX 7E P.X +41 118
>Dave: ADMOOQT 1F .OMO +24 223
#note In my opinion, sacrificing the points by taking out this triple is totally justified, as I'm guaranteed to score well with the Q on the next turn.
>Kwak: GNOSTTU 5E S.OTGUN +44 162
>Dave: AADGQTY 14F QA.D +34 257
#note However, missing QAT B10 is not so justifiable.
>Kwak: DEILTVZ 10J .LITZ +36 198
>Dave: AGJKRTY B10 JAY +42 299
>Kwak: DEEEFOV 2C OVE.FEED +80 278
#note Yeah, this duck can make some plays.
>Dave: CEGKRRT L8 TR.CKER +28 327
#note Look at the remaining tile pool. It is *crucial* to turn over as many tiles as possible to get to those blanks. Taking out some bingo lines is not bad either.
>Kwak: ALLRRUU -ALRUU +0 278
#note Really? It's hard to fathom that this is better than trading six to the R, or even all seven. Even LOUR C1 seems reasonable, angling to create a lane on the A column, but I guess the duck wasn't thinking that far ahead.
>Dave: AEEGGIN N8 GA.ING +17 344
#note AGENIZE would have been better, though not the way the tiles turned out.
>Kwak: BEIILRR M12 IRE +23 301
>Dave: ?EELOTU M2 vELOUTE +68 412
>Kwak: ABILRRT E7 ..R +7 308
#note Now now. Does he think that if he drew the blank I would let TRIBALs go down?
>Dave: ?AINOUY O4 YUANs +45 457
>Kwak: ABHILRT 6J HAB. +32 340
>Dave: AIO F14 .I +11 468
#note Not VIA, giving him an outplay.
>Kwak: ILRT 3E R.TL +19 359
#note Shame he didn't have the F for ROFL.
>Dave: AO I13 A.O +10 478
>Dave: (I) +2 480