Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah_Walton Noah Walton
#player2 Joe_Gaspard Joe Gaspard
>Noah_Walton: DEETUUW H7 WUD +14 14
#note I later regretted not exchanging here (I think just on play judgment, not because of game outcomes). But, the sim between this and -EUUW is basically even.
>Joe_Gaspard: AFF G9 AFF +14 14
>Noah_Walton: AEEOOTU F9 TOEA +22 36
>Joe_Gaspard: CENOOT H11 TOCON +30 44
>Joe_Gaspard: CENOOT -- -30 14
>Noah_Walton: ADEGMOU E10 ODA +30 66
>Joe_Gaspard: CENOT G3 CENTO +17 31
>Noah_Walton: AEGKMRU 5E GU.K +18 84
#note Chickened out of GUNMAKER#, correctly in terms of word knowledge, though perhaps I would've gotten away with it. It looks plausible enough that it might slip by unquestioned, even for 110 points. If Joe was suspicious, though, perhaps because he had studied UNMAKER, it might come off. Could have been a risk worth taking, though.
>Joe_Gaspard: BBLO D12 BLOB +32 63
>Noah_Walton: ADEEEMR 15D .REAMED +36 120
>Joe_Gaspard: IIII -IIII +0 63
>Noah_Walton: AAEHIOO 14F HAO +33 153
>Joe_Gaspard: OZ 14B ZO. +24 87
>Noah_Walton: AEGILOQ J12 QAI. +16 169
>Joe_Gaspard: ?EEINNS K8 pENNIES +77 164
>Noah_Walton: EGLMNOS L9 NOES +38 207
#note Not sure I considered GLOM J6, which might be better. The pool is very nice for ENS.
>Joe_Gaspard: ?CEIIRY B8 lYRICI.E +73 237
>Noah_Walton: EGILMPR A4 PRIME +39 246
>Joe_Gaspard: GHILT 3C GLIT.H +24 261
>Noah_Walton: GILOSST 13A G.L.S +21 267
#note Maybe something else instead. Simmed this with Josh, I'm not sure what it said, maybe that this was close with SOL I5 for top play, with SOL a bit better.
>Joe_Gaspard: NUV D1 VU.N +22 283
>Noah_Walton: EEIOPST H1 PE. +24 291
>Joe_Gaspard: TW 9J W..T +8 291
>Noah_Walton: DEIJOST M7 JO. +18 309
#note Maybe JOW instead - DEIST actually works pretty well with the T given this pool: R+any of AEIN, TU. That said, TU is the only one of those that doesn't work with the P, though AIN+R all pair better with the T than with the P. Even the DEEIRST might be better on column M, because PREEDITS/PRIESTED seem to open me up to comebacks more than TIREDEST does. But the 4 points probably help sometimes, so this might be worth it anyway. Both plays potentially result in him playing on row 8, opening me a line, as well.
>Joe_Gaspard: AAENRRX 8M .RA +9 300
#note I think Joe said he had this.
>Noah_Walton: DEISTTU O4 SITU.TED +60 369
>Joe_Gaspard: AAENRVX N10 RAVEN +27 327
>Noah_Walton: IILRY C3 .IRLY +15 384
#note I don't think I expected this to be tied for optimal (which it is, with LEY 13M) just wanted to play something safe. Wasn't sure of GUNKILY* or GLITCHY.
>Joe_Gaspard: AX O14 AX +29 356
>Joe_Gaspard: (I) +2 358
Player 2
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