Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Trip_Payne Trip Payne
>Noah: AABELUW H7 WAUL +14 14
>Trip_Payne: AELRRSS 11E RASSLER +86 86
#note Held and released. I think this was new in TWL14.
>Noah: ABEGOTV 10B GAVOT +21 35
#note GOB is the engine move.
>Trip_Payne: EHW 10J HEW +32 118
>Noah: ?BEIILT C6 pITI.BLE +72 107
#note Wasn't totally sure of vITIABLE, might want to play this instead anyway.
>Trip_Payne: BCEE 12A CE.EB +29 147
>Noah: EIINOPR D2 RIPIENO +76 183
#note Tiles came out RIPINOE when I drew.
>Trip_Payne: EOR A12 .ERO +18 165
>Noah: ACDGIJO B2 GADJO +36 219
>Trip_Payne: OSUYZ M10 SOYUZ +44 209
>Noah: ACEFIIS 4D .ACIFIES +69 288
>Trip_Payne: EENRTX 3H EXTERN +68 277
#note Trip responded to my third bingo with something like "OK, you can stop doing that now", and then when he played this I responded along the lines of "that wasn't so bad". Of course, then I had another big play!
>Noah: ADEHOUY N2 HEADY +54 342
>Trip_Payne: ANV N13 NAV +36 313
>Noah: DILMOTU O8 MODULI +33 375
>Trip_Payne: ADF A1 FAD +27 340
>Noah: ENOQTTU K1 QU..T +28 403
>Trip_Payne: AGIINNR 8A IN.. +12 352
#note Actual rack.
>Noah: EKMNOOT H1 KE.. +33 436
#note Though for a while here. Before he played INTO, I think I was naturally looking at MOOK 6A, but somehow I seem to have lost track of my real tiles here, because I was generating plays as if I had EEKMNOT for most of this turn, until I noticed Os, not Es, were duplicate, later. Luckily, this didn't actually change much, and KEEF still looked like the play. I went somewhat carefully through checking what bingos he could have (I wondered briefly about PANToGRAM (PANTOGRAPH's false counterpart), which turns out not to be good, but would lose anyway). I think he only wins here with ORGANIsT and OPIATiNG, but if I block those with (E)KE, he can just bingo out in another spot, and this beats the other bingos (though could tie if e.g. GRAPHENIc* were good, not sure I thought of that specific possibility in game).
>Trip_Payne: ?AGINPR 13E sPARING +66 418
#note Short game!
>Trip_Payne: (MNOOTT) +16 434
Player 2
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