Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 John_Stardom John Stardom
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>John_Stardom: AEEFILR 8D FILAREE +78 78
>Chloe: ??BCCHL G7 B.CH +17 17
#note such a weird opening rack, I missed BLECH which is significantly better
>John_Stardom: AEEGRTT E7 A.GRETTE +68 146
>Chloe: ??CEEKL 15E spECKLE +92 109
#note also worth consideing 14B CLEEK here. Very close in a sim
>John_Stardom: ADISTWY J5 TID.WAYS +69 215
>Chloe: FIINORS 5E FORIN.S +40 149
#note Didn't see 12A FINITO which might be better, a significant sacrifice to keep the S but I need to bingo asap, and it also opens a 3x3 which doesn't hurt. A lot of other plays are close in the sim, but I think it's gotta be one of FORINTS or FINITO, need to keep the scoring pressure on
>John_Stardom: ABOT I10 BOAT +18 233
>Chloe: AEILORV 4A VARIOLE +87 236
>John_Stardom: OPX 3B POX +41 274
>Chloe: ELMOPUV A4 .OLUME +33 269
#note A couple plays look slightly better-- 14K OVUM and 2A POM. I think mainly PV is a pretty gross leave, POM scores almost as well and keeps ELUV which is better than PV and can draw VULVA or something to clean it up. OVUM cleans up the rack nicely now, also blocks SPECKLE hooks which I don't have, and with 3 Ds and 2 Ss out he is somewhat likely to have one, so I wasn't loving keeping that open.
>John_Stardom: ADZ B8 ADZ +40 314
>Chloe: ANNNPRV -NNPV +0 269
#note Apparently better to keep the P here, looks like exch NNV is best
>John_Stardom: DEMOW L11 MOWED +41 355
>Chloe: AAGJNRU C10 AJUGA +37 306
#note apparently 12A JAUNT is better, despite giving back much more it also raises my avg score next turn by a lot. JAUNT > JURAT because 4 Ns out to pair with the G
>John_Stardom: DNT 14K D.NT +13 368
>Chloe: INOQRSU N10 QUIN. +34 340
#note figured he had the other S at this point, with S specified QUINT sims quite a bit ahead of 15A QI despite scoring 16 less.
>John_Stardom: ORST 9J .ORTS +24 392
>Chloe: AINORSY 15N YO +34 374
>John_Stardom: IINNPUV O10 INN +20 412
>Chloe: AGIINRS 13L .I. +16 390
>John_Stardom: EEHIPUV 4K EH +12 424
#note Only win. nice play
>Chloe: AEGINRS 3K REIN +16 406
#note Thought I might be able to tie if I did this first and he played 14B P(A)V)E giving me GAS underneath, but I forgot to consider that VAPE is a word. Should just play AGS now to make things harder, though he still has 3 wins after that
>John_Stardom: EIPUV 14B V.P. +18 442
>Chloe: AGS O1 GAS +17 423
>Chloe: (EIU) +6 429
Player 2
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