Game Details
Player 1
#player1 Joey Joey
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>Joey: FIRSTUU 8D FRUIT +24 24
>Chloe: BBIRT G4 RIBB.T +14 14
>Joey: CCEKSUW E7 W.ECK +28 52
>Chloe: ?EOPRTV 5B sPORT.VE +74 88
>Joey: CMNNSUW 12B CWMS +37 89
>Chloe: AGO F2 GOA. +11 99
>Joey: ?NNNOSU 4A NOUN +19 108
>Chloe: APT 3A APT +26 125
>Joey: ?HINSSV 6A SH +29 137
#note SHIV was too easy to score off of, as much as I wanted to ditch the V.
>Chloe: IIIIU -IIIIU +0 125
>Joey: ?IILNSV 6I LIVINgS +63 200
#note BIVINYLS is tough to see, especially with a blank.
>Chloe: DGO C10 GO.D +18 143
>Joey: AAAEEHZ O6 .EZ +36 236
>Chloe: AELNRTY L6 .NTERLAY +74 217
>Joey: AAADEHU K8 AHEAD +34 270
>Chloe: EJ A1 JE.. +33 250
>Joey: AEILORU M13 OI +14 284
>Chloe: DEEIN A6 .EINED +21 271
>Joey: AEGILRU 15L GLUE +24 308
>Chloe: EOOY 2F .OOEY +17 288
>Joey: AAIMNRT 1I MARTIAN +89 397
#note I didn't notice that TAMARIN fit one spot to the left. Too risky.
>Chloe: IQU M3 QUI. +26 314
>Joey: AAEFILS J10 FA +30 427
#note FERLIE gives me the best net spread, but at least this gives me the most total points.
>Chloe: DEORX M8 EX +41 355
>Joey: AEILS 14A AISLE +20 447
>Joey: (DOR) +8 455
Player 2
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