Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Joshua_Sokol Joshua Sokol
#player2 Randy_Hersom Randy Hersom
>Joshua_Sokol: AEHIIOP H6 OHIA +14 14
>Randy_Hersom: XZ 9G Z.X +37 37
>Joshua_Sokol: EFIIOPQ I5 QI +13 27
#note missed QOPH. #findingsaddest
>Randy_Hersom: AOV 10E OVA +25 62
>Joshua_Sokol: CEFIOPU 11B POUF +28 55
#note CUIF seems better for scoring defense #strategysmall
>Randy_Hersom: BDOS 12A BODS +31 93
>Joshua_Sokol: CEGIRRT A12 .RIG +21 76
>Randy_Hersom: GRR 11G GRR +17 110
>Joshua_Sokol: ACEEPRT H11 .ECAP +30 106
>Randy_Hersom: DELW 14F WE.LD +21 131
>Joshua_Sokol: ?EEMRST K8 REMaTES +76 182
#note missed cERMETS same spot #findingsmall
>Randy_Hersom: ABEEMTT 5I .AT +24 155
>Joshua_Sokol: AFILNTU 8J A.TFUL +30 212
>Randy_Hersom: OWY C9 WO..Y +32 187
>Joshua_Sokol: EEHINNO L8 .HINE +30 242
>Randy_Hersom: ENVY M11 ENVY +25 212
>Joshua_Sokol: BEJNNOR 6E ENJ..N +21 263
>Randy_Hersom: ADMNS L1 DAMNS +33 245
>Joshua_Sokol: ABEGORT 1E BOGARTE. +86 349
>Randy_Hersom: CLL E5 C.LL +12 257
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEIIUU O8 .IEU +4 353
>Randy_Hersom: O 7G O. +16 273
>Joshua_Sokol: DEEIITU 2E EDIT +25 378
>Randy_Hersom: I 8E .I +2 275
>Joshua_Sokol: AEIKRTU 3C KETA +25 403
>Randy_Hersom: ?AEINOS 3I ANO.IES +20 295
>Joshua_Sokol: IRU 5B URI. +6 409
>Joshua_Sokol: (?) +0 409
Player 2
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