Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Steve_Ozorio Steve Ozorio
>Morris_Greenberg: EGIOUUW -GIOUUW +0 0
>Steve_Ozorio: ADHNO 8D HONDA +26 26
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEIORT 9F OE +9 9
>Steve_Ozorio: CGO 10D COG +18 44
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEIIRT 9C AI +11 20
>Steve_Ozorio: IIIII -IIIII +0 44
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEIRTU E10 .URIE +10 30
#note Exchange EU, AEU, or EIU is better here. I don't think I really considered exchanging, more was debating URAEI vs. OURIE and thought the X-bomb URAEI sets up was way too annoying to deal with long-term
>Steve_Ozorio: X 14E .X +25 69
>Morris_Greenberg: AENNTUY 12B UNA.Y +16 46
#note Quackle also likes NA(R)Y given the spot underneath the X for UN- words. Very cool idea I didn't think about over the board, not sure which I would have done had I seen the option.
>Steve_Ozorio: EOPT 7H TOPE +9 78
>Morris_Greenberg: EIKLNOT K5 TO.LIKE +44 90
>Steve_Ozorio: DEORRST B3 RODSTER +63 141
>Steve_Ozorio: DEORRST -- -63 78
>Morris_Greenberg: AFINPUW L9 FAWN +36 126
#note Blocks ROST(E)RED, I did not notice D(EX)TROSER but would play this anyways.
>Steve_Ozorio: DORT L3 TROD +15 93
>Morris_Greenberg: CFILPUY 13K PYIC +36 162
>Steve_Ozorio: ??BENRS 3F BaRoNE.S +66 159
>Morris_Greenberg: DFILRTU M6 DRIFT +39 201
#note Misscored as 38.
>Steve_Ozorio: EMT H1 TE.M +27 186
>Morris_Greenberg: ELMTUVZ 6E VELUM +19 220
#note Considered VUM here too, didn't see that much of a point of keeping the EL for 4 fewer.
>Steve_Ozorio: JORS B10 JO.RS +56 242
>Steve_Ozorio: JORS -- -56 186
>Morris_Greenberg: IQTZ B11 Q.IZ +44 264
#note Forgot to write down rack here.
>Steve_Ozorio: EJO 4D JOE +24 210
>Morris_Greenberg: AEGGHIT 15F IGG +24 288
#note Misscored as 23.
>Steve_Ozorio: W K2 W. +5 215
>Morris_Greenberg: AEHOTUV 1K OVATE +42 330
>Steve_Ozorio: EILS N10 SLI.E +28 243
>Morris_Greenberg: AABHIRU 2M BAH +30 360
#note I chose not to empty the bag and block things like (E)NSNARED, BURA is nice equity though (both win 100%)
>Steve_Ozorio: AELR 15L EARL +23 266
>Morris_Greenberg: AAINRSU I1 AN.A +11 371
#note I completely missed the bingo lane pluralizing IGG! I had under a minute, only saw DEN(T)S as an outplay for him (again, blind to DENS/IGGS), and wasn't 100% on (P)ARIS J7 and was trying to figure out an out in 2 that preserved a play parallel to the IKE in TOELIKE (and noticed AUN(T) and then PARIS wouldn't work because AUNT gives another out play for him). This is so bad.
>Steve_Ozorio: DENS I12 DENS +12 278
>Steve_Ozorio: (SURI) +8 286
Player 2
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