Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Andre_Popadynec Andre Popadynec
#player2 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
>Andre_Popadynec: ?DERRSW 8B REWaRDS +78 78
>Morris_Greenberg: ?FIKLMT C7 K.F +19 19
>Andre_Popadynec: DIOU E8 .UDIO +10 88
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ILMPTX A8 PIX +75 94
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ILMPTX -- -75 19
#note Was about 95% sure this was phony, a bit too greedy a choice.
>Andre_Popadynec: AEJN D12 JEAN +42 130
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ILMPTX F12 TIX +36 55
>Andre_Popadynec: HIWY 15A WHI.Y +42 172
>Morris_Greenberg: ?AFILMP G13 FIL +28 83
#note Missed AMPLIFy, that may be a bit better.
>Andre_Popadynec: CIRRU H3 CIRRU. +9 181
>Morris_Greenberg: ?ALMNOP 3H .OMPLAiN +78 161
>Andre_Popadynec: GHU O1 HU.G +30 211
>Morris_Greenberg: ABEEEOO B11 OBEA. +20 181
#note I was choosing between this, BO(R)E B6, and A(W)EE D7, I somehow missed AE(R)OBE. I went with this because I thought of the ones I was seeing, the board remained the most potent for my leave for this option (e.g., I could draw into OVE(R) words). AE(R)OBE is definitely the play if I see it.
>Andre_Popadynec: CTU L1 CU.T +18 229
>Morris_Greenberg: BEEEEOT D8 .EE +15 196
#note Keeping 3 Es felt wrong to me so chose this over BO(R)E. Quackle much prefers BORE, I still prefer this.
>Andre_Popadynec: AV 15G .AV +18 247
>Morris_Greenberg: BEEOQTY 5E BEE.Y +20 216
#note I missed OBEYE(R) as an option, that is a better execution here of scoring a bit, create a QAT spot if I draw an A, and go for turnover to land an A or I (for QI/CULTI for 29). I considered BYE J13 too, but thought Andre is holding an A too often to merit that choice. FWIW, Quackle likes BO(R)TY best 6F, followed by OBEYER and BEERY. I don't really see what goals that accomplishes though.
>Andre_Popadynec: MO 6E OM +24 271
>Morris_Greenberg: EINOOQT 5K QI +29 245
>Andre_Popadynec: GI 6J GI +18 289
>Morris_Greenberg: ELNOOTT J10 TOOTLE +17 262
#note With Andre clearly fishing and very low on time, I thought this would complicate his position a bit and go for the Z.
>Andre_Popadynec: AINT 1H ANTI. +21 310
>Morris_Greenberg: AADELNZ 12I Z.EAL +28 290
#note This is a tough turn, Andre has under a minute at this point, and likely holding bingo friendly tiles, or at a minimum, tiles that can be back hooked to a lot of Z words I can play. AZ(O)NAL is the top Quackle recommendation, which I didn't consider in real time, I looked at ZONA and ZONAL but failed to register AZONAL.
>Andre_Popadynec: NOP K9 NOP. +22 332
#note Andre went overtime by 1 second on this turn.
>Morris_Greenberg: AADDNNV A11 DAN +15 305
#note I didn't want to make a play like VANDAL that quickens and simplifies the game for Andre when he is already over time, and NADA and DADA 13L felt too reckless.
>Andre_Popadynec: EGOS M10 OG.ES +12 344
#note Misscored as 16, I was also low on time so didn't recount it.
>Morris_Greenberg: ADENRTV N6 DRAVE +19 324
#note Wasn't sure of SERAIS, and just wanted a play that blocks RAISES and ARISES and gives me an out in 2 while forcing Andre to go further over on time.
>Andre_Popadynec: AEIRSS - +0 344
#note He challenged, he didn't like DRAVE and was already approaching getting another minute over.
>Morris_Greenberg: NT 8M T.N +9 333
#note Final score with over time penalty and misscoring: 345-338 for me.
>Morris_Greenberg: (AEIRSS) +12 345