Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Victor_Tung Victor Tung
#player2 Peter_Kougi Peter Kougi
>Victor_Tung: AAEORRU 8E AURORAE +64 64
>Peter_Kougi: EIMNQTY F7 Q.EY +24 24
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *F7 Q(U)EY 24 27.91% MINT

>Victor_Tung: BCIOR E10 BORIC +25 89
>Peter_Kougi: GIMNSTW 12D W.ING +22 46
#note This is a medium error according to the sim

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 8)
best 14E (C)WM 18 29.59% GINST

3.40 11D W(O)NGI 26 27.93% MST

5.62 K3 TWING(E) 20 27.06% MS

7.97 11D W(O)N 23 26.66% GIMST

7.73 H7 M(O)W 8 26.65% GINST

7.29 13B WIT(I)NG 24 26.59% MS

7.39 11D M(O)NG 24 26.53% ISTW

8.27*12D W(R)ING 22 26.38% MST

>Victor_Tung: AFGILR K2 FRAGIL. +22 111
>Peter_Kougi: EMOOSTV 3J V.OOM +20 66
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *3J V(R)OOM 20 24.02% EST

>Victor_Tung: ?ADELNO 14E .OLANDEr +66 177
>Peter_Kougi: EEMPRST M8 TEMPERS +85 151
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *M8 TEMPERS 85 23.56%

>Victor_Tung: EILNSTU I4 LUST.INE +60 237
>Peter_Kougi: ADERTTX 15F RAX +61 212
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *15F RAX 61 16.75% DETT

>Victor_Tung: FINO 2K .INO +26 263
>Peter_Kougi: BDEHNTT L12 HE.B +34 246
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *L12 HE(r)B 34 19.38% DNTT

>Victor_Tung: DIT G6 DI.T +22 285
>Peter_Kougi: DEINTTT H1 TITE +18 264
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
0.871*H1 TITE 18 22.61% TND

>Victor_Tung: AJ 2F JA. +26 311
>Peter_Kougi: DEGHNST 11I .DH +14 278
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 6)
best 4K (A)NGST 29 24.50% EDH

2.44 K12 TH(E) 18 23.12% EDGNS

2.51 K11 ETH(E) 26 22.70% DGNS

5.75 6I (S)N(I)G 7 21.71% EDHST

4.67 11I (E)NG 8 21.43% EDHST

6.23*11I (E)DH 14 21.04% EGNST

>Victor_Tung: OW 3F OW. +28 339
>Peter_Kougi: EEGKNST J6 KE. +37 315
-> Peter Kougi EEGKNST
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
12.1*J6 KE(A) 37 29.92% EGNS

>Victor_Tung: IZ 8M .IZ +36 375
>Peter_Kougi: ?EGNSTU 4D NUG +19 334
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
3.59*4D NUG 19 35.61% EST?

>Victor_Tung: CPSU C1 CUPS +21 396
>Peter_Kougi: ?AEILST O4 TAIL.iES +67 401
#note LAXITIES would have given me the win aargh

--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 3)
17.7 N5 LAx(I)TIES 79 71.36%

best 1A LA(C) 15 58.33% EIST?

29.3*O4 TAIL(Z)iES 67 31.06%

>Victor_Tung: ADEEFOV 1A FA.ED +36 432
>Peter_Kougi: ANY B1 .Y +20 421
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 10)
best 6I (SKI)N 8 AY

best L2 (IO)N 10 AY

best 2A AY(U) 27 N

1.00 L6 NA 14 Y

1.00 3E N(OWT) 9 AY

4.00 N11 AN 13 Y

4.00 10I (N)A 9 NY

4.00 4K (A)NY 24 A

4.00 1N YA 23 N

4.00*B1 (A)Y 20 AN

>Victor_Tung: EOV 6I ...VE +12 444
>Peter_Kougi: AN N11 AN +13 434
--Championship Player's choices (your
play: 1)
best *N11 AN 13

>Peter_Kougi: (O) +2 436
Player 2
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