Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Morris_Greenberg Morris Greenberg
#player2 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
>Morris_Greenberg: DDGIMSS 8G DIG +10 10
#note MG: Quackle slightly prefers playing an S here, I like seeing how the board unfolds a bit here and make the S hook potent relative to the rest of the board off the G
>Jared_Cappel: AEEGNNR G6 EN.ANGER +63 63
#note JC: GANGRENE also plays but ENDANGER is better.
>Morris_Greenberg: DIMQSST 9F Q.DI +22 32
#note MG: Close between QIS J6 and this, I actually think I overlooked it because it fits my style more.
>Jared_Cappel: AAADGRT F3 GARDA +20 83
#note JC: DAGGA and AGGADA both sim marginally better.
>Morris_Greenberg: AKMOSST 13B OSTMA.KS +80 112
>Jared_Cappel: ?AAEIMT 11D EnI.MATA +90 173
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEEOSY 12B YEA +25 137
#note MG: I spent awhile on this turn to consider YEA vs. OYES, EYES, or AYES 14D. If you put Jared on very bingo-ey tiles, it feels worth it to take the extra 8 points, and potentially have a large response play to the triple the next turn, but him drawing a random 5 made me feel like the equity is worth it. Quackle likes YEA or (K)EY H13.
>Jared_Cappel: BCEFU H4 FUB +18 191
#note JC: FUB at 10B sims about 2% win percentage better. I considered that play but wanted to make bingoing harder. My placement of FUB does lower his bingo percentage by 3.5% on his next turn but I score 4 fewer points in doing so.
>Morris_Greenberg: DEELOSU H13 .UE +21 158
#note MG: I convinced myself DELOUSE was not a word, just DELOUSER.
>Jared_Cappel: CEEORRU 4H .ORCE +20 211
#note JC: I probably spent longer on this turn than any other this set. I hated my play of FORCE because it gives such easy hooks, but I started doubting FURORE after losing two challenges the game before. I like FURORE or ROUGE over my play even though all 3 plays sim closely.
>Morris_Greenberg: DELOSTW 14A OWT +33 191
>Jared_Cappel: ELNORUV 3C VUL.O +20 231
#note JC: I didn't see UNROVE/FORCER which scores 11 more. Quackle says UNROVE is 2.5% better win percentage.
>Morris_Greenberg: ?CDELST M2 CaSTLED +81 272
>Jared_Cappel: EHILNPR A13 P.H +41 272
>Morris_Greenberg: AIILPTV K4 .IVIL +20 292
#note MG: I was a bit low on time here, and saw that the pool had lots of Es, Is, Os, few As, and thought this seemed like a reasonable way to score, limit his options, and draw to the pool. Quackle likes this or CLIVIA in the same spot, I prefer keeping a vowel here.
>Jared_Cappel: EEILNNR 8M .EN +12 284
#note JC: I bingo more often if I drop EN at 14E and leave the N column open. I didn't put any thought into this play.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEOOPTW 14E OW +30 322
>Jared_Cappel: EEILNRY 2J YIN.E +36 320
#note JC: I didn't look for bingos through the E or N floaters, which is inexcusable. Always check for bingos! EYELINER is an easy find and would have likely won the game.
>Morris_Greenberg: AEEOPRT 1F OPERATE +90 412
>Jared_Cappel: EJLNNOR D1 JO.LE +40 360
>Morris_Greenberg: ABHRUXZ 9N XU +20 432
#note MG: Fun weird pre-endgame, I saw this keeps BRAZ(E) 15E, blocks some bingos, and doesn't empty the bag.
>Jared_Cappel: IINNORS 5C N. +2 362
#note JC: This was a very casual set and Morris and I coffeehoused and essentially played this turn together. We decided the best course was to fish off the N to go for NOIRISH in two spots thinking that it played for a lot of points at 12I. Neither of us noticed that it would form the nonword of ANS*, thus negating our plan. Don't think there were any wins available from this position.
>Morris_Greenberg: ABFHRTZ 15D BRAZ. +30 462
#note MG: As Jared said, we coffeehoused at this point, Z(A)RF K10 was the out in 2 we both noticed, but this nets more. We both missed H(E)RTZ 15G for an out in 2.
>Jared_Cappel: IIINORS 12I ION +10 372
#note JC: playing IRIS first is 2 points better. I was low on clock after we spent several minutes discussing my previous turn.
>Morris_Greenberg: FHT I3 F.H +18 480
>Jared_Cappel: IIRS 13K IRIS +11 383
>Jared_Cappel: (T) +2 385
Player 2
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