Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Will Will
#player2 Mark Mark
>Will: AGNNORT 8G NOG +8 8
#note Looks like maybe TON over NOG? Not convinced. Maybe just 8H ORANG and not play around with marginal leaves.
>Mark: EPW 9F PEW +17 17
>Will: AILNRTW I1 TRAWLIN. +64 72
>Mark: ?INSTUZ 6E UNIT.ZeS +88 105
>Will: CGINQRR L2 CINQ. +32 104
>Mark: ABEUY 1E BEAU.Y +33 138
>Will: AGOORRR 2C ROAR +14 118
#note Maybe 2E ORG to avoid keeping the G, but NOGG might be useful after ROAR. Sim is neck and neck.
>Mark: AMY 5C YAM +24 162
>Will: ADGGOOR 4A GOOD +27 145
>Mark: BNU A1 BUN. +21 183
>Will: AAEEGRV 10B AVERAGE +81 226
>Mark: CEHR D8 CH.ER +26 209
>Will: EFILNTU 8A FLI. +27 253
>Mark: ADHL 11H DHAL +24 233
>Will: AEMNTTU 10J MAUT +24 277
#note Not a huge fan of setting up an S hook that won't be easily blocked. I could potentially just do META instead to avoid that, but keeping a U over an E feels so weird. But there's a ton of Es to redraw and this is the last U, so it's not duplicating. CHEERO is also open and I'm not sure if Mark knows it.
>Mark: DLO 2L .LOD +14 247
#note Guessing CHEERO is mine alone now
>Will: AENRTTV O1 A.VENT +33 310
#note This is actually a rather large mistake - ADVERT leaving NT draws into ADVERTENT a ton of the time. I was looking at ideas like ADVENTIST* but didn't come up with ADVERTENT.
>Mark: DEEESSX 13B DESEXES +93 340
#note Man, this was another stinger. Not even a blank in the mix...was just in total disbelief.
>Will: IJOPRTT 14A JOT +28 338
#note Burned most of my remaining time on this trying to figure out what to do if not JOT. This did have the advantage of almost forcing Mark to play along row 15 if he had anything at all there, likely just OE, after which I might play PESTIER or something with MAUTS - or perhaps he doesn't have either O or the blank, and he'll struggle to match my score in that spot if I draw them? Something like 14E TIRO is kind of interesting too, praying he doesn't have S?, but feels a bit crazy.
>Mark: EO 15A OE +37 377
>Will: IIKOPRT 12K PIKI +25 363
#note As usual, had no ideas to steal this and simply gave up. CP gives nothing any winning chance
>Mark: ?EFIIIS 13M IFS +29 406
>Will: EORT 14G TORE +10 373
#note Given how late I drew the E, ADVERT over ADVENT might not have made the difference, but still, who knows, if I see it and know it for sure, maybe I can pull a swindle here?
>Will: (?EII) +6 379
Player 2
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