Player 1 |
#player1 Joey_Mallick Joey Mallick
#player2 Jason Jason
>Joey_Mallick: ?ABENQT 8D BANQuET +90 90
#note I take a cooler after the Helfgott game, and when Joey plays and I look at my opening rack, I think: "I came back inside for *this*?"
>Jason: BEEGNRR 7I BERG +19 19
#note (BANQuET)ER, cute. This leads sim, but it's close.
>Joey_Mallick: AILLMOR D3 MILLO.AR +74 164
>Joey_Mallick: AILLMOR -- -74 90
#note As Joey played this, my thoughts were not suitable for print. Then I realized: "You don't know this word, hold." On hold, I told myself me could be confusing it with MILLIBAR, and I was obligated to challenge anyway. If, like our Arden game last year, it's basically over after two turns, so be it. If I lose a turn, maybe he gives me the open A, I or U. And if I lose the turn, I've got HOVER at C9 or HOVE at 6H for big points to start limiting spread. Glad to be right.
>Jason: EGHNORV E7 H.NGOVER +80 99
#note I did precisely what I hate doing against fast players like Joey ... spent like a minute debating HANGOVER vs. OVERHANG. And, of course, after wasting this time on a negligible decision, I pick the "wrong" one, which sims .5 points behind.
>Joey_Mallick: AILLMOR 8L OLLA +19 109
>Jason: ADENSTT H8 .NTASTED +77 176
#note I'd like to think this luckbox draw was a reward for ... I dunno, something.
>Joey_Mallick: ?EIIJMR F6 JI. +31 140
>Jason: ADEEKOT 5C EKED +30 206
#note TOKED seems gutsy, but there's already a juicy S hook. (-3)
>Joey_Mallick: ?CEILMR 15H .uLCIMER +89 229
#note Millcake didn't want to play MI(L)LRaCE? :) Not often you see both blanks as U's.
>Jason: AANOOTY 14L TOYO +32 238
#note Wrong spot. 6H for four more. Forgot about it. (-4)
>Joey_Mallick: HIORRRU 6F .UROR +24 253
#note Paying for my mistake last turn. Nice play by Joey.
>Jason: AAADNOT D3 TA.A +16 254
#note A(V)A? Really? I suppose keeping the extra consonant is worth the four sacrificed points in this pool, but 2-3 points better? Wow. (-2)
>Joey_Mallick: EHIIRSY 12D I.Y +18 271
>Jason: ADFINOO B2 FOOD +27 281
#note Well, I'm flummoxed. I'd like to give Joey an S ... but why not make a 15A play neutralizing that hotspot? The board's open, but not that bingo-friendly. Meanwhile, I hated this play. Highest scoring play, but leaves two vowels and a consonant in a vowel-heavy pool, blocks a bingo line I may need soon. FIO(R)D leads sim by half a point with no leave inference, a point plus giving Joey an S. Should've played it. (-1)
>Joey_Mallick: EHIMRSU 12H .MUSHIER +78 349
#note Props to Joey for playing his only two phonies of the tournament on the player with the worst word knowledge in the division. Nice strategy. Meanwhile, this is nearly a MILLOBAR* situation. Hard to win keeping it on given my rack. But: 1) I really thought it was good. 2) I know Joey rarely phonies ... what're the odds of him doing it twice in one game? and 3) Why risk it when he has MESH for 55 or HIM for 33 top left? *sigh* I look at it this way: Last year, I wouldn't have challenged MILLOBAR*, so cowed by playing someone like Joey. This year, I was 1-for-2. Next year (or even in a few months), maybe I challenge a SMUSHIER*-type play.
>Jason: AEINNSU 15A UNAIS +34 315
>Joey_Mallick: DEEEGOW A1 GOWD +48 397
#note Looking pretty bleak now.
>Jason: AEIIINX 10H .AXI +27 342
#note Duck likes IXIA at 9K, but I can't be blocking lanes now. (-11)
>Joey_Mallick: AEEENSU F11 E.NE +17 414
>Jason: AEIINPP H1 NIPPE. +39 381
#note I am destined to hemorrhage equity for eternity. NAPPE(R) leaving II twenty better? How can I possibly play NAPPER? CP likes TIP or TIPI at 13H. (-20)
>Joey_Mallick: AESTUWZ N6 WA.TZ +45 459
#note Well-played from Joey, esp. given the equity gain of SMUSHIER. :)
>Jason: ACFIILV B10 FLAVI. +40 421
#note The desperation try of FLAVI(N)IC wouldn't have been enough to win, anyway.
>Joey_Mallick: ESU A8 USE +14 473
>Joey_Mallick: (CI) +8 481