Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Chris_Schneider Chris Schneider
#player2 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
>Chris_Schneider: ADIQ 8G QADI +28 28
>Arie_Sinke: AAEEILO -AEIO +0 0
#note This exchange sims within a point of ODEA for 7. I just can't justify making a play here, it scores so little, creates openings, and sacrifices in leave.
>Chris_Schneider: PW H7 P.W +8 36
>Arie_Sinke: ADDELRS K2 RADDLES +83 83
#note RADDLES is the only unhookable bingo.
>Chris_Schneider: AEGLNOT 10C TANGELO +71 107
>Arie_Sinke: ELNORRT 11I ROTL +10 93
#note POLER 7H is a clear improvement. Scores 4 more and ENRT is substantially better than ENR.
>Chris_Schneider: LMOY 4H MOL.Y +28 135
>Arie_Sinke: ENOORSS 12C SOONERS +69 162
#note NOOSERS M8 is a smidgeon better, as it scores 2 more points, but I had some slight doubts about NOOSERS being good.
>Chris_Schneider: IIIIIUU -IIIUU +0 135
>Arie_Sinke: BEEHIXZ 13C HEX +47 209
#note Looks best.
>Chris_Schneider: GJ I3 J.G +19 154
>Arie_Sinke: AABEEIZ L9 AB.AZE +34 243
#note This is probably slightly paranoid; it doesn't do particularly well in a sim. Most of the best scoring options (for instance, BRAIZE 2J, BRAZE/BRAZA 2J) open up lines, which I don't want, but I can compromise with something like RAZE H12, which scores a bit more and doesn't create an opening. INBOX E9 is also an interesting option; AAEEZ is a surprisingly good scoring leave.
>Chris_Schneider: EHI M7 HIE +14 168
>Arie_Sinke: EEITTUW 2J W.ITE +32 275
#note This felt forced; creates openings but nothing else is comparable for equity.
>Chris_Schneider: EFRT O1 TREF +42 210
>Arie_Sinke: AEIPSTU 1E TAUPIE +29 304
#note This is Collins only; I thought it was in NWL. It's a great play if it doesn't get challenged; the best non-phony looks like TAUPEl.
>Chris_Schneider: FOY 13J FO.Y +38 248
>Arie_Sinke: ?CGIISU 2D CIG +19 323
#note I really like this play; bingoing after CIG is extremely difficult. The T in TANGELO is the biggest outstanding threat.
>Chris_Schneider: CKU H12 .UCK +30 278
>Arie_Sinke: ?IMNSUV D2 .UMIN +18 341
#note I feel like I can keep the board well under control until the end of the game after playing this. Nowhere to bingo but through the K.
>Chris_Schneider: AINO C3 NAOI +20 298
>Arie_Sinke: ?ABERSV 14F VA. +16 357
#note This is paranoid, but it's hard to conceive a way for this play to lose. Other options that score more can fall victim to out bingos.
>Chris_Schneider: DO 3M OD. +15 313
>Arie_Sinke: ?BEERSV 5G VE. +11 368
#note I just bide my time here, leaving one in the bag and keeping a five tile leave that's good for endgame scoring.
>Chris_Schneider: ?AEINNR 7H .I +9 322
>Arie_Sinke: ?BENRSU E9 U.B.. +28 396
#note This looks correct.
>Chris_Schneider: ?AEINRT 15H .ITE +8 330
>Arie_Sinke: ?ENRS 14J ER. +16 412
#note I should play out with NoNUSER 3A for 14 here.
>Chris_Schneider: ?ANR B6 RANk +10 340
>Chris_Schneider: (NS?) +4 344
Player 2
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