Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Kenji Kenji
#player2 Ian Ian
>Kenji: ADFIIOU 8H AUDIO +14 14
>Kenji: AEFHIIO 4K FO.IE +20 34
#note This loses a sim by about 4 to AHI, and I don't have a particular reason to overrule a simulation here.
>Ian: CMOU 2J MUC.O +30 111
>Kenji: AAADHIL 1E DAHLIA +34 68
>Ian: EEJ 5I JEE +30 141
>Kenji: ABEIQRS 3I QI +26 94
>Ian: DEGNP K7 P.NGED +20 161
>Kenji: ABDENRS 9C BANDERS +70 164
>Ian: NOOT 6G TOON +19 180
>Kenji: EEEIKNW 2E EWE +35 199
>Ian: EHLZ D8 H.ZEL +42 222
>Kenji: AAEIKMN 12H KIN.A +30 229
#note Several reasonable options here and took a while. No real preference.
>Ian: IPX 3C PIX +35 257
>Kenji: AEGMRUY 4E YUGA +24 253
#note Same thing here. Again I don't think there's much between this and other options.
>Ian: BOO H12 .OBO +30 287
>Kenji: ?EMRRTU I11 R.M +15 268
#note Spent a very long time on this one, but there's nothing...
>Ian: ?AALRSV O3 R.AVAiLS +80 367
>Kenji: ?ENRTTU 15D bUTT.NER +57 325
>Ian: NOSTW 14J WONTS +47 414
>Kenji: ACEERTY 8A YEA. +34 359
>Ian: IILV 11C V.IL +14 428
>Kenji: CERT C6 CR.. +9 368
#note Endgames aren't really played at this tournament when out of contention.
>Ian: I 6L I. +5 433
>Ian: (ET) +4 437
Player 2
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