Player 1 |
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#player1 IJB Izak J. Bulten
#player2 JJB John J. Bulten
#note 0:40 [24:20] The vagaries of pairings set up a son vs. father round (lad vs. dad). Both players are rusty and in good spirits despite very disparate first rounds. IJB neglects ralph, the only alternative better than trading (ALPR has 8.6 synergy in the opening). His selected leave of ADR is 11.7 behind ralph.
#note 1:06 [23:54] JJB correctly sees riviere and riviera, while ivorier is rated 2.4 better; but this may be inaccurate given its vowel placement. Simulation slightly favors riviera, with thin outcome differences.
>IJB: AADORTV C7 V.A +11 11
#note 0:44 [23:36] IJB likes the leave ADORT, worth 4.6, although there var gets him 3 more points than via. He correctly sees that avo 7h/9h is also competitive, 0.2 better. But for both points and leave, he could have avoid 18, with ART 5.2 (7.6 better in all).
>JJB: EFIMNPY G7 F.Y +17 93
#note 4:06 [19:48] JJB fails to pull the trigger on minify, the clear choice at 8.0 better in either placement; he also neglects the underlap of fey 22. However, his leave is 3 points better than either option.
>IJB: ABDNOOR F5 OBO. +17 28
#note 3:20 [20:16] IJB makes the first perfect play of this game, in static value, also seeing the second-best spot of various plays through the I. However, he had overdrawn and mixed, and lost the T of AOT (24 seconds into JJB's move); if he had not picked up the B he would have tandoori 68.
#note 1:58 [17:50] JJB wastes time idly wanting moonpie* to be a word. He still finds the optimal combination, though EIN is only 1.2 added value.
#note 3:10 [17:06] IJB sees daunter, unrated, and unparted 67, and even (due to Anagrams and Zyzzyva practice) the possibility of outearned. Indurate 68 also plays. He is uncomfortable with putting down an uncertain bingo though, and takes one of the best alternatives (equal to tuna), with DER worth 8.3 (but sacrificing 39.7 static value). Unde d2 27 is slightly better (with ART only 5.2).
#note 0:49 [17:09] Pineries was blocked, but vineries still plays, even though JJB was doubtful of both valid plays.
>IJB: ?DEORTT 15A TOT. +12 60
#note 5:43 [11:25] IJB takes his time sorting but is unable to affirm dotters 68 or any of the other bingos available; highest is extorted 82, quadruple. He goes for the safe triple-block, though tot also plays at f1 for 15. Because of the superior leave his loss is only 31.6. The best leave combination is dot c11 17, only 5.3 behind the bingos.
>JJB: AAHILUW 14B HU. +24 217
#note 4:53 [12:16] JJB also uses up time trying to recall a word that turned out to be the unplayable hawala. He sees whup but not the best play whaup 26; also writes out wae 24 (1.8 down) and hue 24 (2.7 down), the second and third best, while struggling to recall 3s and 4s.
>IJB: ?CDELOR 11C R.COiLED +70 130
#note 1:25 [10:00] IJB finally gets a rack he can use, seeing several unplayable options before spotting recoiled. Only scolder 72 scores better. For flashiness, he also had access to cupholder 65, but loci 28 is rated better than that.
>JJB: AAEIJLW 12I WAIL +22 239
#note 2:08 [10:08] Besides watching his clock, JJB needs to cash the J here, with such premiums as jaw g3 29 (8.7 better), jailed 32, aji 12j 23, jaup 26. He could also improve wail into wali(e).
>IJB: EIILMTU 13G ITEM +21 151
#note 1:34 [8:26] IJB finds the best word, milieu, but may not see that it plays at 13c. He also spots the possibility of unlimited. Item is a respectable underlap, in seventh place in rankings but 15.4 behind.
>JJB: ABEEJNR 13C J.B +44 283
#note 1:12 [8:56]
#note 0:19 [8:07] IJB has drawn into a necessary exchange, given a choice of poor leaves from his previous fresh rack. He makes the correct choice (AL 1.0). Aalii/moi is 3.0 behind (UW -13.0).
>JJB: AEEINNR 9G .EN +9 292
#note 2:58 [5:58] Now JJB makes a suboptimal dump, yen 8 when ne/en 14j 13 were available (watch hooks and premiums!). IJB permits him to misscore it as 9 instead of 8. Quackle prefers ditching bingo chances and taking the points of the rare arene 14h 25 (IN only 0.5, but 8.0 ahead of the chosen play).
>IJB: AAALOPT H13 .AP +15 166
#note 1:43 [6:24] IJB opts for the triple again, though pa/damp 25 is 10 higher, and apo c1 25 is a nice overlap for 6.5 more value than that, all based on ditching one more vowel.
#note 0:29 [5:29] After the game the players note that IJB had unrated and saw unparted, while JJB had unaired and saw unpaired, very close. They also both held the Hawaiian special AAILUW plus one other letter.
>IJB: AAGLOTW 14L WAG +22 188
#note 1:11 [5:13] IJB is able to recover with the best play, better than his other choice of wat; awol is also competitive in that slot.
#note 1:03 [4:26] Only problem with wag is its hooks, and JJB has drawn into the play. He does not see tyned, 0.7 better despite leave.
>IJB: AFLOOST N10 FA +16 204
#note 2:19 [2:54] IJB still wants to bingo in the end for face-saving (a feat which he achieves in a later game in this tournament). But the key square here is 13m, allowing of/lowe/fad for 31 with ALOST worth 13.4 (23.4 higher). IJB's other choice of sofa 21 (ALOT) was also slightly better.
>JJB: AGGLNNT 1A GAG. +18 416
#note 1:43 [2:43] Now JJB tries to push for a second 500 game. He finds the highest score but should guess that undoubling N as well for 3 less is valued at 5.9 more (anga/naga).
>IJB: KLOOSTU 3D ..OK +13 217
#note 1:45 [1:09] Mourning the unavailability of outlooks, and watching both player's clocks, IJB makes a very reasonable near-last fish, allowing ok and out-. Reviewing the doubles would also turn up kolo m7 19, 3.6 higher though much blockier.
>JJB: ADLNNTX F14 X. +25 441
#note 0:42 [2:01]
>IJB: LOSTU H1 OUST +24 241
#note 0:36 [0:33] Based on tiles seen, this play is only 0.5 behind the underlap loup 2b 19, the first optimal triple for either player.
>JJB: ADLNNTZ F10 Z.A +32 473
#note 0:34 [1:27] Again a hurried JJB cashes points rather than improves leave with azan/adz b1 26 (up to 7.4 better). The Q is still out and holding AT is wise.
>IJB: EEEHLRS 2H .SHER +16 257
#note ~0:18 [~0:15] Neither player has time to note that heelers/reheels plays for either 79 or 69! IJB quickly empties the bag using the first premium available (67.9 behind), and on top of that picks up the Q while JJB had just cashed the X and Z; it happens. Best without bingo is eh/ef/had 17.
>JJB: DILNNST K1 T.ND +5 478
#note 1:27 [0:00] JJB idles into calculating two-part outplays and notices the clock suddenly, plunking down at the last second but still being likely to need another turn. Bad form. He doesn't even open up an -s out. But there are better cash spots than even the favorite lids/dits m9 24. Out in two is not correct, since opponent is definitely Q-stuck; rather, JJB should cash tiles mostly one at a time. Optimal play might be oft/tae 8 (preventing block oof 8), mol 5 (blocking ki 8 and extensions), in/gi/an 11 (preventing ae 4), oe/es 4 (preventing oi 4), then in some order snooks 20, of 5 (not lowe), loft/li 9, he 5, ain/lin 6, pass, dad 10+20 (net of 65). This is by no means certain, because hand-derived, but certainly JJB has the power within 87 seconds to see the Q stick and to resolve to play snooks or oft/tae first. (Snooks 20 might appear to need to come first, but, since it adds 4 to loup, opponent does not need to block it with the weak ale 6; so it can wait safely.) On the other hand, after tend 5, blocking ki with mol 5 falls prey to nils 22+26, net of 48 and better than the long game. Scoring with loup would track JJB into the long game for similar scores. IJB appears better off to claim the free points of ree 14 first: ki 8, lad 8, snooks 20, ho 8 (not oof), kin 12, pass, lad 4+20 would net only 39 to JJB.
>IJB: EELOQ M9 EEL +13 270
#note ~0:13 [0:02] JJB has signaled intent to play out quickly, so it's understandable for IJB to plunk down three tiles rather than one or two. As calculated, ree 14 nets 39 to JJB, which is a deficit no worse than -34 to IJB. However, best play after eel 13 seems to be lad 8 (preempting lowe), oof 8, snooks 20, pass, ki 8, pass, kin 12+20, net of -47.
>JJB: ILNS 8J LINS +9 487
#note 0:09 [-0:09] Since JJB was unprepared for the timing of the final move, rather than plunk down lins in the first spot as he did, having paid for the whole minute he had theoretical time to see snooks, and also to see that lad must preempt lowe first, which as calculated nets 60 to himself. Avoiding the long game only yields an immediate 9+22=31 (nils/lins j6 would be 13+22), a loss of 29 potential, not to mention the 10 points on the clock. Optimally he could have increased his spread by 52 overall by playing oft 8 and its continuation and not going over the clock.
>JJB: (OQ) +12 499
#note JJB missed many endgame chances; meanwhile, IJB had more chances to pull the bingo trigger and only proceeded once. Known points available: IJB 32, JJB 70. Overall points available: JJB 108.8, IJB 233.9+. |