Player 1 |
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#player1 Noah Noah
#player2 Carl_Voss Carl Voss
>Noah: IQ 8G QI +22 22
#note 2022 Word Cup R27. I was pretty out of it during this game, feeling kind of crushed by previous games, and also had just gotten too upset / into the pairings, attempting to talk to Mike Johnson about them (it was odd to me that I, ranked I think around the top half or top third at the time, was being paired against Carl, the bottom seed). Near the beginning of the game, I think I was trying to quell my anger, and somewhat reflective and thinking that I care too much about some Scrabbly things, making me less focused on the game in front of me. Throughout the game I think I was pretty tired, as wel-l.
>Carl_Voss: EH 7H HE +11 11
>Noah: DEEFNNO 6I FEN +13 35
#note Pretty sure of this rack.
>Carl_Voss: ACENNRS L6 SCANNER +77 88
>Noah: ?AADENO 7K O.A +8 43
#note Seems like the right leave. Maybe I should play on column K, or DEAFENS, which I missed.
>Carl_Voss: EZ 10J ZE. +32 120
>Noah: ?ADENTY K10 .YED +28 71
#note I think I remember him having blocked ANDEsYTE here.
>Carl_Voss: GIO 8L .GIO +18 138
>Noah: ?AANPRT O4 PATR.NAl +62 133
#note The board isn't very bingo friendly, but I may still want to play ZAP here, to avoid opening N10.
>Carl_Voss: CEIM 9F MICE +30 168
>Noah: ABIOT N2 BIOTA +28 161
>Carl_Voss: DELST N10 DELTS +28 196
>Noah: ADFHIIO O13 AHI +25 186
#note This leave feels right.
>Carl_Voss: MORW 10C WORM +27 223
>Noah: ADFIO C10 .AIF +20 206
>Carl_Voss: OW 5J WO +21 244
>Noah: BDLNOTU D8 BL.ND +30 236
>Carl_Voss: ATX M1 TAX +42 286
>Noah: OU 1K OU. +4 240
>Carl_Voss: EGIT E5 GITE +14 300
>Noah: EILRSTU 14A LUSTIER +79 319
>Carl_Voss: EJO A12 JO.E +57 357
>Noah: AKP D4 PAK +27 346
>Carl_Voss: OY O1 YO +20 377
>Noah: ?DGLRSU 5C L.. +4 350
#note I think I confused plays here - this doesn't set up DRAG, so I only have one, blockable, spot to place UNGIRDS if I draw it. RAG actually doesn't work any better against optimal play, because he can take the game with VIVE / RAGE. KID looks good, to draw for REGULUS.
>Carl_Voss: EINRUVV 15G ERUV +23 400
>Noah: ?DEGRSU B2 REDbUGS +74 424
#note GRoUSED.
>Noah: (INV) +12 436