Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jim_Sherrill Jim Sherrill
#player2 Noah Noah
>Jim_Sherrill: IIIII -IIIII +0 0
#note 2022 Word Cup R17
>Noah: EGIIRRY H7 GYRI +16 16
#note Probably the right leave?
>Jim_Sherrill: JU 7F JU. +12 12
>Noah: EILNRRW 10F WR.ER +18 34
>Jim_Sherrill: DLOS I4 DOLS +19 31
>Noah: IIKLNOO H1 KILO +31 65
>Jim_Sherrill: III -III +0 31
>Noah: AEIINOU -AIIOU +0 65
#note I think I missed some good plays with IDOLS here: LIEU and AIOLI. AIOLI seems solid given his small exchange.
>Jim_Sherrill: ?CINRST 2G C.TRINeS +72 103
>Noah: AACDENT 11C DACE +19 84
>Jim_Sherrill: AEEEETZ 10B ZA +34 137
#note I think this is what he had.
>Noah: ?AHINTT K1 T.THoNIA +70 154
#note I missed HesITANT here, which is maybe a bit better. This did get a hold, though it's perhaps tough to challenge.
>Jim_Sherrill: AEEEIQT G6 Q.A +17 154
#note Again, I think this was his rack.
>Noah: AEHNSUV L8 HAVEN +39 193
#note I remember being ready to play 8J HAVENS before I saw this. Then the U seems right because I think I was thinking about the word UNSHAVEN.
>Jim_Sherrill: EEEITW 1M WEE +24 178
>Noah: AMOOSUV 5E OVA +25 218
#note Not certain of the rack here.
>Jim_Sherrill: EITU 6B ETUI +8 186
>Noah: MOPRSUX 12B POX +46 264
>Jim_Sherrill: DEFT 11I FET.D +25 211
>Noah: EMMNRSU L4 MM +29 293
>Jim_Sherrill: EPR B12 .REP +16 227
>Noah: EEINRSU 15B .ENURIES +83 376
>Jim_Sherrill: AGY M7 GAY +28 255
>Noah: DIILOOS D11 ..IO. +12 388
>Jim_Sherrill: LN 14A L.N. +6 261
>Noah: DGILOSU 9C DUG +15 403
>Jim_Sherrill: AEOT 14G TOEA +12 273
>Noah: BFIILOS 13I OBIS +27 430
#note LIFT Champs highest, but I wasn't convinced he was going to play this endgame optimally (and so didn't try that hard to figure it out, I sat there kinda not being sure what to do for a bit). I think he had a bit over a minute left of clock.
>Jim_Sherrill: ABENO C3 BEN.O +16 289
>Noah: FIL D2 FIL +20 450
>Noah: (A) +2 452
Player 2
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