Player 1 |
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
#player2 Chloe Chloe
>Jared_Cappel: ARX 8G RAX +20 20
>Chloe: AEEFLLP 7G ALEF +24 24
#note Quackle thinks this is slightly worse than PELF or PALE. I guess PALE keeps ARF plays? idk, I liked limiting his options
>Jared_Cappel: ?ADNQRS K1 QiNDARS +90 110
>Chloe: EFLNPVY 2J P.NEY +30 54
#note Missed VINYL, that's so much better
>Jared_Cappel: INSW 4H WIN.S +26 136
>Chloe: CDFILOV 6I VI.L +29 83
>Jared_Cappel: ADNO H1 ADO.N +27 163
>Chloe: CDEFOOU 1M FOU +28 111
#note I debated this above and below, it's close but I think 3M is better because it opens a marginal O column lane which I want, and closes the 3K spot on a board where there aren't many other scoring options for him.
>Jared_Cappel: MO 3K .OM +29 192
>Chloe: CDEEKOU 9D DUCK +28 139
#note Really bad play, I think I somehow missed that I could play on the 6 row hooking EAR. UKE looks good, keeping the C and D to hook.
>Jared_Cappel: ABIO 8A OBIA +25 217
>Chloe: AEEOPVY F9 .OVEY +15 154
#note 7A YAP is 27, but that doesn't feel very proactive about keeping things open. I didn't consider B7 ABOVE though, which scores 3 more, and even if he scores on the A column he'll open some lanes for me. Quackle prefers YAP and ABOVE but I'm fine with COVEY.
>Jared_Cappel: EEINRTT 2A RETINTE. +72 289
>Chloe: AAEHPST 1A ATAP +44 198
#note B8 BASEPATH. never seen it
>Jared_Cappel: GGJLO 12A JOGGL. +46 335
>Chloe: EEHLRSU A12 .EHU +42 240
>Jared_Cappel: DEINOUW B12 .WE +27 362
>Chloe: AEELNRS C12 .EN +26 266
#note wow I did not think SARK was a word, LEANERS plays at 6A
>Jared_Cappel: DHIO -IDHO +0 362
>Chloe: ?AEILRS 15C SALtIER +76 342
>Jared_Cappel: AEIOTUZ B8 .IZ +34 396
>Chloe: CEGORRT D1 ..ROG +16 358
#note wanted to keep the bottom as open as possible so I don't think 9I TROG is the call
>Jared_Cappel: AEHMOTU E4 HOM +27 423
>Chloe: CDEIRTT 14A ...T +9 367
>Jared_Cappel: ABEISTU - +0 423
#note Jared said he figured that if I bingoed with RECITED or TIERCED turn, it would always give him BEAUTIES, which is why he passed. Playing BEAUTS now is the only 100% win, even if I play DEUTERIC he can just go out.
>Chloe: CDEIIRT 6E .I +6 373
>Jared_Cappel: ABEISTU J10 BEAUTS +23 446
#note I10 ABUSER BUSTER or BASTER are the only wins, blocking TIERCED and RECITED while not allowing DEUTERIC
>Chloe: CDEEIRT 13H DE.TERIC +74 447
>Chloe: (I) +2 449