Player 1 |
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#player1 Jared_Cappel Jared Cappel
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>Jared_Cappel: EFRRSXY -EFR +0 0
>Jackson: AFMOSTV H7 TAV +12 12
#note on his x3, he draws 4 tiles as a standard overdraw. instead of turning over 3, I immediately turn over all 4. director is called. Jared is allowed to put one of CDGL on his rack, he takes the C. I considered that he might have something with CDG, since that is what he could expect me to give him, but I didnt think he was thinking about that cause he made the decision quickly. in some situations, it might be wise to give them CGL depending on whatever meta level youre feeling that day. I know he has CDG. I think TAV is good here, but I could also exchange down to MAST or MOATS
>Jared_Cappel: DG 8G G.D +5 5
>Jackson: BEFMOSZ F7 FEZ +21 33
>Jared_Cappel: ET G6 TE. +12 17
>Jackson: ?BDEMOS J6 BoSOMED +80 113
#note BEGAD looks cool at first
>Jared_Cappel: ACEL K10 ALEC +23 40
>Jackson: DEINRSY L8 RINDY +43 156
>Jared_Cappel: DIN 8L .IND +15 55
>Jackson: ELORSUY O8 .ELUSORY +89 245
>Jared_Cappel: ENORSTT K1 STENTOR +69 124
>Jackson: ACHIITX 1K .IXTH +48 293
>Jared_Cappel: Q M7 Q. +21 145
>Jackson: AACIIOS 3J A.CIA +14 307
#note there's something to be said for plays like AI(N) that let me do a more complete block next turn, cause I will probably have to deal with the 4 row eventually and it will come at a large sacrifice, but I think the immediate defense is still quite helpful
>Jared_Cappel: LRW N1 .R.WL +16 161
>Jackson: EIIIOSW N12 OWE +23 330
#note SOWER was very tempting, but only the ? is out and no Ss, so it's worth holding the S in case he hits the 4 row or something
>Jared_Cappel: EEFHR 11E FREEH... +30 191
#note good phony. I didnt like it, and probably shoulda just challenged cause it's not like it opens a 3x3 or anything
>Jackson: AIIINPS 4H PAI. +11 341
>Jared_Cappel: AENNP 12A PANNE +25 216
>Jackson: GIIIKNS A12 .IKI +30 371
>Jared_Cappel: JMU H1 JUM. +45 261
>Jackson: AGILNOS C7 LOANI.GS +72 443
>Jared_Cappel: ?BEEGOR B1 BEROuGE +78 339
#note only BEROUGED, this is phony.
>Jackson: AAOOTUU 1A A.OUT +24 467
>Jared_Cappel: IV 3F VI. +9 348
>Jared_Cappel: (AOU) +6 354