Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 David_Pearl David Pearl
#player2 Jackson Jackson
>David_Pearl: BDRU 8F DRUB +14 14
>Jackson: DEEFISY F7 E.IFY +20 20
#note Dont think I considered DEFY here, which is more standard. I might want the open board here and play EDIFY, but DEFY is a bit better typically
>David_Pearl: MTTU E11 MUTT +26 40
>Jackson: DEEFOSW 15A FEODS +40 60
>David_Pearl: LOV B12 VOL. +14 54
>Jackson: AAEHNWX C13 HA. +24 84
#note considered HAEN/UH to block the S hook and save AX, but it can get blocked and then doesn't work out that well. He took a long time with VOLE and I thought he might have a better than average rack. WAXEN seemed to make his life too easy, and HAO seemed good to limit his options and save good scoring tiles/response tiles for a potential bingo. no regrets on this
>David_Pearl: AAELNQW F13 AA +10 64
>Jackson: AENRRWX G12 EX +35 119
#note setting up WARN for next turn. this sims best with a few reasonable racks implied. this is good cause he often is bingoing after his AA fish, leaving WARN open, and when he doesnt he often doesn't have a great play with TAX hooks, so it's not too dangerous.
>David_Pearl: EIR H13 IRE +20 84
>Jackson: AJNNRRW E5 JAW +31 150
#note gross, but what else
>David_Pearl: AEHK D6 HAKE +27 111
>Jackson: ELNNNRR -LNNR +0 150
>David_Pearl: GIOY 9I YOGI +23 134
>Jackson: ENOQRTV L8 Q. +21 171
>David_Pearl: IMR 8A MIR. +30 164
>Jackson: EINORTV M7 VIN +32 203
#note misevaluted here. Didnt check the pool to realize that VINO isn't much more dangerous than VIN, since only DDPPW play at N10, and they will all give back big plays in response. ERT bingoes more than EORT, plus reaches for blanks with both out. Definitely better than VIN
>David_Pearl: ??AADGI B2 GAInsA.D +66 230
>Jackson: DEINORT 3A R.TIONED +70 273
#note AROINTED is better than this. this does complicate his position a bit more, but probably not by enough to justify it.
>David_Pearl: AEI H1 AI.E +18 248
>Jackson: BEINNOO I5 NOB.. +15 288
#note I think NOBBY nad ROBIN are both worth considering. It's somewhat comsonant heavy in the pool, so EINO isn't bad. I dont see myself ever playing IONONE/YOGINI here. This sims right behind IONONE. It was important to me to keep the I here cause if I can get the case S, YOGINI might be very useful
>David_Pearl: ENOS 10J NOSE +32 280
>Jackson: EILLNOS C8 .OLL +10 298
#note I think LESION and LO 2E are also worth considering. LESION is just decent to keep scoring pressure on, leaving 10 in the bag (might be able to leave 2 in the bag next turn after that). LO blocks a few extra bingoes. fishing the L, LO, and ROLL all bingo just around half the time. this wins a sim, and I think I stand by it, cause it also has potential if David bingoes immediately, which LESION doesnt have.
>David_Pearl: EELNRST 1C ETERN.LS +59 339
>Jackson: ACEINSZ 9I .....I +10 308
#note I think I rushed into this turn. YOGINI can wait - ACENSZ is good to hit the spot, but not if he blocks with OVINE plays, cause then I need the R for O1 CRAZES. I can still get SEZ hooking whatever he plays, but that isn't always a win. I think C(O)Z and (R)EZ are better here. they both keep YOGINI for later, and REZ can draw into 15 row plays as well.
>David_Pearl: CERW J3 CREW +32 371
>Jackson: ACENSUZ O5 CUZES +59 367
>David_Pearl: GOPPTTU - +0 371
#note he thought he had no wins here, but he can play POT/GOT or P(E)GTOP and win.
>Jackson: AN 4J .AN +6 373
#note NA or TAIN
>Jackson: (GOPPTTU) +24 397
Player 2
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