Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Arie_Sinke Arie Sinke
#player2 Mark_Pistolese Mark Pistolese
>Arie_Sinke: ACDEIMR 8D MEDIC +26 26
#note A number of reasonable options here; this is one of them but it looks like some other choices are slight improvements. MIC 8G is a good fishing play; MICRA is similar to MEDIC but DE is bette than AR and the play is more defensive in that it takes no hooks and doesn't create parallelling options.
>Mark_Pistolese: AEJP 7C JAPE +32 32
>Arie_Sinke: AEFGLOR 6D GOFER +43 69
#note This looks best.
>Mark_Pistolese: MOW I7 MOW +26 58
>Arie_Sinke: AABILNT 5G BANAL +20 89
#note This isn't very good. Quackle wants me to retain a better leave with something like BAN 9C for 21 or just fish of AB somewhere. If I'm going to make a long play BALTI is far better than BANAL - IT is not as good as AN.
>Mark_Pistolese: DEZ 9C ZED +37 95
>Arie_Sinke: EIIILOT 4F IOLITE +22 111
#note This looks best.
>Mark_Pistolese: ?AIOSUV 10I SAVIOUr +72 167
>Arie_Sinke: ADHILLU O8 LU.ID +21 132
#note This is resaonable but probably too paranoid. I didn't see ZILLAH C9, which looks like the only play that's a meaningful improvement, but even AHULL 3C for 27 is probably a bit better than this. At any rate, this is not a huge error.
>Mark_Pistolese: CERUV 12J CURVE. +24 191
>Arie_Sinke: AAHLTTX 3G LAH +32 164
#note This looks reasonable and wins the sim. I could also consider TAX 3K, which cleans up the rack a bit, and TAXA J4, which scores one less and keeps a kind of comparable leave. LAH sets up a difficult to block G hook which may favor me with a deficit.
>Mark_Pistolese: AHNT 2I THAN +22 213
>Arie_Sinke: ANORTTX 1K TAXON +44 208
#note This looks clearly best.
>Mark_Pistolese: DIOO C9 .OOID +30 243
>Arie_Sinke: AEERTYY 3L EYRY +23 231
#note The play that stands out is an extremely difficult find - F6 FEDAYEE for 36! Even if I don't find that, I should prefer YAY 3L to EYRY slightly - scores one more point and EERT bingos slightly more than AET.
>Mark_Pistolese: ABG 2E BAG +16 259
>Arie_Sinke: AEENRST 14A EASTERN +84 315
#note Couldn't figure out whether to play EASTERN or STERANE here - EASTERN could be costly but I need those 9 points, and after STERANE I could be down slightly on a dead board if Mark parallels. The sim thinks EASTERN wins slightly more.
>Mark_Pistolese: ?GQS A11 SQu.G +72 331
>Arie_Sinke: EEEFKRT 15E FEET +30 345
#note This looks like a reasonable equity play, but the sim thinks I may be able to win a bit more with FET D12 or FETE D12. I guess with the last E I am more likely to threaten something on row 15, so leaving it open favors me??
>Mark_Pistolese: INPS 6K SNIP +15 346
>Arie_Sinke: EIKORUW 12A .U.RK +36 381
#note This is best; threatens a high scoring out.
>Mark_Pistolese: INRT M6 .NTR. +7 353
>Arie_Sinke: EIOW 11E OWIE +26 407
#note Best out.
>Arie_Sinke: (I) +2 409
Player 2
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