Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Josh Josh
#player2 James James
>Josh: AEORSTY 8G YO +10 10
#note Word Cup 2022, Round 24.
>James: ?EELNOR 7B RELlENO +66 66
>Josh: AERSSTT 9C TASTERS +70 80
#note 6F ASTERTS #visionsad
>James: DGIK C3 KIDG. +22 88
>Josh: DEFFIUW D2 WIFE +39 119
>James: EOSV E5 VO.E. +28 116
>Josh: ?ADFITU F6 F. +26 145
>James: AGINRSV I1 RAVINGS +74 190
>Josh: ?AADITU 1F DAU. +15 160
>James: Q 4H Q. +21 211
>Josh: ?AAINTU 10I TUtANIA +62 222
>James: HOX O8 HO.X +42 253
>Josh: ACILMNN L9 M.NIC +18 240
#note 4H (QI)N bings a fuckton more than you would think. #strategysaddest
>James: EET 11J TE.E +14 267
>Josh: ABLNOUW 10B BOW +21 261
#note 13J UN(C)OWL #knowledgesaddest
>James: DEIP 11C PEDI +25 292
>Josh: AEJLNUZ N6 JEU +31 292
#note 6I (G)JU #visionsad
>James: COY 13K O.CY +22 314
>Josh: ALMNNRZ N12 N.M +16 308
>James: DGIL 12A GLID +38 352
>Josh: AEILNRZ A12 .RIZ +42 350
>James: BELRSTU 15H BUTLERS +89 441
>James: BELRSTU -- -89 352
>Josh: AAEEHLN F9 .H.NE +16 366
#note I don't see any other blocks.
>James: BELRSTU 5I .UB +10 362
>Josh: AAAEILO 4K ALAE +12 378
#note 15A (Z)OAEA is probably fine. I had no time. #TIMESADDEST
>James: AELORST 3I .OLET +27 389
#note Actual rack.
>Josh: AIOPRT 2H R.P +23 401
#note 2G TR(A)P #endgamesad
>James: ARS B1 RAS +13 402
>James: (AIOT) +8 410
Player 2
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