Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Jesse_Day Jesse Day
#player2 Dave_Wiegand Dave Wiegand
>Jesse_Day: BDGNRVV -BGNVV +0 0
>Dave_Wiegand: AADDEIU 8H ADIEU +14 14
>Jesse_Day: CDEMNRT 9H MEND +21 21
>Dave_Wiegand: ADGRSTW J6 WR..G +21 35
>Jesse_Day: CEEFIRT G9 EF +15 36
>Dave_Wiegand: ?ABDIST M2 BAnDITS +77 112
>Jesse_Day: CEEILRT F9 RETICLE +79 115
>Dave_Wiegand: BNQRRRX -BNQRRX +0 112
>Jesse_Day: OOOSUUZ K3 OUZO +31 146
>Dave_Wiegand: EGILPRT 15A GRIPL. +36 148
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AEEMNT (challenge) +5 153
>Jesse_Day: ENOSTUU 12B TENU.OUS +68 214
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AEEMNT 7B rEMANET +65 218
>Jesse_Day: EHHIIRY 8A HERY +56 270
>Dave_Wiegand: ABCFJSV E4 JAV. +28 246
>Jesse_Day: HIILNOS 13I HIOIS +33 303
>Dave_Wiegand: ABCFNST 14H CAF +35 281
>Jesse_Day: DIILNTV C2 LIVID.. +22 325
>Dave_Wiegand: BNNRSTY L11 BR.NY +28 309
>Jesse_Day: AEINORT 2A RE.ATION +70 395
>Dave_Wiegand: AGNSTWX 13A WAX +46 355
>Jesse_Day: AEKOOPQ H1 K.OP +39 434
>Dave_Wiegand: AGLNOST A1 G.AN +18 373
>Jesse_Day: AEEOQ 6E .OE +14 448
>Dave_Wiegand: LOST 15J ST.LO +14 387
>Dave_Wiegand: (AEQ) +24 411
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-26 22:45:36 Server IP: