Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dave_Wiegand Dave Wiegand
#player2 Evan_Berofsky Evan Berofsky
>Dave_Wiegand: BCDEEEG 8G BEG +12 12
>Evan_Berofsky: AAFINPR 7H FA +15 15
>Dave_Wiegand: AACDEER 9F CADE +26 38
>Evan_Berofsky: AEINOPR J6 APO +22 37
>Dave_Wiegand: AAEEORU -AEOU +0 38
>Evan_Berofsky: EEINQRR K5 QI +24 61
>Dave_Wiegand: AAEIRSS L2 ARAISES +80 118
>Evan_Berofsky: EEHNRRU M2 HERN +37 98
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AACILN N1 LAIC +32 150
>Evan_Berofsky: DEIKLRU 8L .ULK +24 122
>Dave_Wiegand: ?ANRTTT M7 T.T +8 158
>Evan_Berofsky: DEILORT 10I DO +11 133
>Dave_Wiegand: ?ANORTV K9 pROVANT +72 230
>Evan_Berofsky: EGIILRT 14E RETILI.G +63 196
>Dave_Wiegand: EGOSTTW 15F WOT +31 261
>Evan_Berofsky: EENOPSX 13C PEON +20 216
>Dave_Wiegand: EEFGSTY N8 .EFTY +21 282
>Evan_Berofsky: EHMNOSX O12 OXEN +42 258
>Dave_Wiegand: ABEGISY 12E GABY +25 307
>Evan_Berofsky: HIMMNOS 10F HM +37 295
>Dave_Wiegand: AEEIISU 15K .UI +8 315
>Evan_Berofsky: ?EIMNOS O6 MI.E +13 308
>Dave_Wiegand: AEEEISV 12J E.E +12 327
>Evan_Berofsky: ?DINOSZ 14N Z. +22 330
>Dave_Wiegand: AEIRSVW 11J R.W +14 341
>Evan_Berofsky: ?DINNOS O3 NO +14 344
>Dave_Wiegand: ADEIRSV 6I R... +11 352
>Evan_Berofsky: ?DILNSU C12 U. +4 348
>Dave_Wiegand: ADEIOSV 11A VIDE +14 366
>Evan_Berofsky: ?DIJLNS B9 DJ.N +30 378
>Dave_Wiegand: AOSU 14A OUS +13 379
>Evan_Berofsky: ?ILS A6 SoLI +12 390
>Evan_Berofsky: (A) +2 392
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-26 22:46:08 Server IP: