Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Will_Anderson Will Anderson
#player2 Dave_Wiegand Dave Wiegand
>Will_Anderson: GIILOUU -GIILOUU +0 0
>Dave_Wiegand: DEIOPQZ 8G QI +22 22
>Will_Anderson: ?ACHIKR I4 RICKsHA +85 85
>Dave_Wiegand: DEGOPTZ H1 TOZED +54 76
>Will_Anderson: BDIOSSW 11H SWOB +37 122
>Dave_Wiegand: ADEGNPV 5E PAD..NG +48 124
>Will_Anderson: DIOSSTV L1 VOIDS +39 161
>Dave_Wiegand: ABEEEGV 6D VEGA +26 150
>Will_Anderson: AEILSTT 9F LIT.ATES +77 238
>Dave_Wiegand: BEEEMOR 8L MOBE +42 192
>Will_Anderson: AILNRTW J9 .W.L +28 266
>Dave_Wiegand: EEENORT 10E EON +21 213
>Will_Anderson: AIINRTU D6 .ITRAIN +26 292
>Dave_Wiegand: EEIRRST 13B RESTIER +77 290
>Will_Anderson: AEGHNOU H11 .H.UG +39 331
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AFLNUY O3 UNsAF.LY +64 354
>Will_Anderson: AEJMNOT N6 JO. +58 389
>Dave_Wiegand: EEEIRUX C7 XU +36 390
>Will_Anderson: AEMNPTY N10 MEANY +45 434
>Dave_Wiegand: EEEIIOR B11 RO.IE +10 400
>Will_Anderson: ADFLPTU 2F FL.UT +18 452
>Dave_Wiegand: AEEEINO 1K O.INE +24 424
>Will_Anderson: ACDPR 15A P.RC +33 485
>Dave_Wiegand: AEE 7H A.EE +11 435
>Dave_Wiegand: (AD) +6 441
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-26 22:52:32 Server IP: