Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Dave_Wiegand Dave Wiegand
#player2 Geoff_Thevenot Geoff Thevenot
>Dave_Wiegand: DEIIJOS 8C EJIDOS +44 44
>Geoff_Thevenot: DIMOQTW 7E QI +25 25
>Dave_Wiegand: ADEEHIO 6F HOIED +36 80
>Geoff_Thevenot: ADMOTWX 9G WOX +36 61
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AADELP 10B PALAcED +75 155
>Geoff_Thevenot: ADMOSTY D8 .O.TY +30 91
>Dave_Wiegand: ?AEEILO E10 .IA +15 170
>Geoff_Thevenot: ABDLMRS C3 RAMBL. +22 113
>Dave_Wiegand: ?EELNOR 4C .LEuRONE +66 236
>Geoff_Thevenot: DIOSUVY H1 DIV. +24 137
>Dave_Wiegand: EFIIKMU 3J FIKE +27 263
>Geoff_Thevenot: NOPRSUY L3 .ORUNY +34 171
>Dave_Wiegand: AAEIMRU M8 URAEMIA +75 338
>Geoff_Thevenot: AEFPSSV 14J FAV.S +38 209
>Dave_Wiegand: CEEINRT 15E ENTICER +84 422
>Geoff_Thevenot: CELPRST C12 PERC +24 233
>Dave_Wiegand: GGIOTTW L10 TWO +27 449
>Geoff_Thevenot: HLNNSTU 5J NU.L +16 249
>Dave_Wiegand: GGGINTZ 8L ..TZ +48 497
>Geoff_Thevenot: AHNOSTT K11 OH +30 279
>Dave_Wiegand: EGGGINU 1C GIGGE. +11 508
>Geoff_Thevenot: AAENSTT N8 .ETS +20 299
>Dave_Wiegand: BNSU 13E SNUB +11 519
>Dave_Wiegand: (AANT) +8 527
Player 2
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Current time: 2024-09-26 22:48:20 Server IP: