Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 jim jim
#player2 nits nits
>jim: HM 8G HM +14 14
>nits: AIJMNTW 9F JAM +25 25
#note I miscounted this as 24
>jim: ADP 10E DAP +27 41
>nits: EIINNTW 11D NEW +31 56
>jim: EXZ 12C ZEX +53 94
>nits: CIIINST C12 .IN +24 80
#note C12 (Z)ITI looks good here
>jim: IQS 15A QIS +49 143
>nits: CEIIIST -II +0 80
>jim: FG 13B G.F +13 156
>nits: CEIILST 7E TIC +22 102
#note G8 (HAP)TIC looks better here because it takes an S
>jim: ADIOU 8A AUDIO +23 179
>nits: AEIILSS I9 SAIL +19 121
#note I9 SILESIA #knowledgesaddest
>jim: ??EEIOS 13H EStOIlE +68 247
>nits: CEEEISV H13 .VE +18 139
#note K11 EV(O)E seems fine here
>jim: AIOU C6 AU.IO +8 255
>nits: CEEIOSY B4 COY +29 168
#note B2 COSEY scores well and opens stuff up. #knowledgesaddest
>jim: AFRT 4B .RAFT +20 275
>nits: AEEISTV 10I .VE +14 182
#note C1 AVE(R) and L12 V(I)AE appear pretty close here. AVER makes my opponent more likely to take the spot, leaving me ESTOILES. VIAE makes it a lot less likely that my opponent will block the O lane.
>jim: ABPU 12L BAPU +31 306
>nits: AEEIIST 9K TIE +6 188
#note 3D AI seems fine because I can make IFS plays. I might even draw one of the five unseen Rs for RIF.
>jim: ADNNUW K4 UNWAN..D +48 354
>nits: AEEHILS L4 HEEL +33 221
#note 8J I(N)HALE #visionsaddest
>jim: EGT 14L TEG +27 381
>nits: ADEINSY 8M YIN +23 244
#note 5E YAD seems fine
>jim: BO 7N BO +10 391
>nits: ADEORST 3D DOATERS +70 314
>nits: EGNORR (challenge) +5 319
>jim: KRT H1 TR.K +39 430
>nits: EGNORR 15E GON.R +6 325
#note A5 GRO(A)NER is cool
>jim: LLOR 1H .ROLL +6 436
>jim: (ER) +4 440
Player 2
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