Game Details
Player 1
#character-encoding UTF-8
#player1 Matthew_Tunnicliffe Matthew Tunnicliffe
#player2 Josh_Castellano Josh Castellano
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AADDGIN 8D GADDI +20 20
>Josh_Castellano: FHQ H7 F.QH +19 19
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ADLNNUU D4 UNDU. +14 34
>Josh_Castellano: AAIS 11E AIAS +28 47
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAAELLN 10F LA.AL +18 52
>Josh_Castellano: ?BEEMOS K4 MEBOsES +79 126
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEEINPS 8K .PINE +27 79
#note I did not spot ASPINE. And although I certainly know that word as a bingo, it never occurred to me that SPINE took an A hook.
>Josh_Castellano: EGLNOOY I1 NEOLOGY +78 204
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ABEHRST 2G BR.ATHES +80 159
>Josh_Castellano: CERTT M1 T.RCET +16 220
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AINNRSU 12A URANINS +74 233
>Josh_Castellano: ENOX 13B EXON +47 267
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AEIOPWY 14B WEY +46 279
>Josh_Castellano: IRTV A8 VIRT. +24 291
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: AAEIMOP L2 .AOMA +46 325
#note Almost settled for something much worse before finally spotting this.
>Josh_Castellano: LOO 1F LOO. +22 313
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?EGIJPT C2 JIG +25 350
>Josh_Castellano: CDEIIRT N7 I.DIRECT +76 389
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: ?EEKPTW O12 WhET +44 394
#note Ran out of time looking for something good. W fishes can hit PUNKETTE or PARKETTE and force Josh to block correctly.
>Josh_Castellano: EFIOUVZ F4 FUZE. +38 427
>Matthew_Tunnicliffe: EKPR 9A .RK +12 406
#note He also has VOID...
>Josh_Castellano: IOV 6A VOI. +10 437
>Josh_Castellano: (EP) +8 445
Player 2
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