Game Details
Player 1
#player1 k8 k8
#player2 joey joey
>k8: AQUY 8F QUAY +32 32
#note i didn't write my rack. i don't think i had the blank.
>joey: ADHLLNO 7H HOLLAND +74 74
>k8: ?EGNNUY O1 GUNNEYs +94 126
#note there's a real bingo here - UNGENtLY, which would've been better judging from his next play.
>joey: EGIJNOT K5 JO.TING +60 134
>k8: BCDRRVW -BCDRRVW +0 126
>joey: AEEEORS N4 ERO.E +19 153
>k8: AEFINTU F6 FI.UE +27 153
>joey: ADELPST 9E D.P +16 169
#note Ooh, ASPHALTED. It's a verb.
>k8: AENRSTT 6F .RAT +19 172
#note ERODENT, TOY, IT (9k) sim higher.
>joey: AAELOST L3 TAO +15 184
>k8: ABEIIST 11C IBIS +30 202
>joey: AELOSTV 12A VOTE +32 216
>k8: AEEEIOT A11 E.ITE +24 226
>joey: ACELNSW 13C SLEW +25 241
#note There are like a dozen plays here to choose from, and the close score only complicates matters.
>k8: ADEFIOP L9 FEOD +26 252
>joey: ?ACCNSZ G3 CZA. +18 259
#note I could take the points with ZA 10C, but the second C was really hurting.
>k8: ADEGIPS 4D SPA. +30 282
#note ZIp, ZAG and SPAZ are pretty even. I decided to take the points.
>joey: ?ACHMNS 13I CHASM +39 298
#note Better than CHESSMAN, though I admittedly didn't see it.
>k8: DEGILOO 3C GOO +14 296
#note my draws just aren't getting me anywhere. Q suggests IGLOO. Joey liked DOGIE.
>joey: ?AKNRUX N1 AX +39 337
>k8: ADEILMW 14J MI +25 321
#note i agonized between MI and MAW and LAW on this move. i eventually chose to keep the A for one more turn, in case i could make something happen in the top of the board with it on the next turn.
>joey: ?KNNRTU 15K TRUNK +33 370
>k8: ABDELRW 2B BA +11 332
#note this is one of the top moves. i basically have to draw the blank and have him not bingo for this to be useful.
>joey: ?EIINRV 1C dIVINER +83 453
#note REIVING scores another point.
>k8: DEEILRW 3I WRI.E +24 356
>joey: R 9J R.. +6 459
>joey: (DEL) +8 467
Player 2
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